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    Craig Cermak

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Let’s take the “Way Back Machine” to the mid 70’s. I am somewhere around 8 and a model car nut with about 20 built models. I am building kits like: Monogram Custom Street Vette & Quicksilver, AMT 64 Impala & 56 Ford, MPC 67 Charger & Monza. A friend comes over to my house with a Revell 56 Chevy he got as a gift, he want’s some help building it. The end result was total failure, and he was no longer interested in model car kits. This encounter kept me away from Revell kits for years. I wonder how many kids left the hobby after dealing with a Revell Tri-5 kit.
  2. Cool old kit, nice find! I have a couple rebuilders, one has the top glued down hard (you're top also looks glued down hard). Big pieces like the hood and grille from all of the AMT 66 Mustang kits will work with the one you have.
  3. One of the biggest issues with Tamiya paint is "in person" availability. The nearest one to me that sell Tamiya is a 2 1/2hour round trip. Tamiya is a pain to get unless you live in the right place. There are multiple places I can get Rustoleum and Testors within 15 minutes of where I live. When I rattle can I use Tamiya. I have a collection of Tamiya can and bottle paints. I know I need to get better with an airbrush but after 40 years I still struggle with thinning properly so most of my work is rattle can. I also use lots of Rustoleum but almost never on a body. Often their colors work well as interior colors with Tamiya painted bodies.
  4. If I put my business hat on, I feel the best bet for sales would be a craftsman plus style (think the Lindberg Crown Vic) Blues Brothers (blues-mobile and Chicago squad car)/early Dukes squad car/"your state here" Squad car. Round2 currently has a Blues Brothers license (not sure if they currently have a Dukes of Hazzard license). I could see a blues-mobile/red pinto wagon two car set (or a blues-mobile/100 Chicago squad car set ). This would sell well to many different groups: Movie people, squad car people, diorama people, general kit builders and the derby car builders. Personally, I would wish for a 70 Fury GT
  5. Nice clean build Nathan! Great color choices and clean detail work.
  6. Not technically on topic but this reminds me of the very unique wheels and tires on an Elvis Stutz at the Graceland Museum. Notice the ribs on the tires! Craig
  7. I have a resin body to build one of these. Is that the JoHan chassis?
  8. Dick Landy! Very cool start!
  9. These are a couple assembled cars from a 1954 3 Car Assembly Kit. I found these cars decades ago with a VERY moldy partial box. Although I was unable to save the box the cars are my oldest built 1:25 scale survivors.
  10. This is an AMT 1955 3 Car Assembly Kit. AMT started doing assembly kits is 1953. They are essentially unassembled promo cars. The kits included paint and tools. My particular kit is missing one of the cars along with the paint and tools. AMT was trying to leverage their promo tooling into kits well before they hit on the magic formula of "3 in 1".
  11. I have a Harts Parts 71 MPC GTX hood. Mine fits well and sits flat on my original issue 71 body after a small amount of sanding. The original issue MPC 71 RR had an air grabber just like the 90's issue 71 RR. The original issue MPC 72 RR had a bird bath style hood similar to the MPC 71 GTX hood.
  12. Very nice Non-R/T Charger!! It really captures the look very well. I like the correct red 318 and the buddy seat in place of the console. The 8 3/4 is correct for a 318 car in 68.
  13. Added bonus, that is an early issue that has the separate chrome taillight bezels. So that is a somewhat uncommon version of a fairly common kit.
  14. Jeff, I just saw this pic posted on the "Scale Survivors" group on Facebook. Monogram 34 Ford molded in the uncommon color teal (similar to the Monogram 40 Ford truck) and built with the custom wheels.
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