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Everything posted by jas1957

  1. Spotlight Hobbies has announced they will be offering a plating service, no start date was mentioned.
  2. I believe they are 1/25, designed to be used with the Revell ‘90 coupe kit.
  3. I have attempted to contact Greg a couple times also & have never heard back.. A guy in Canada, Gary Chevale ? forgive the spelling I know it’s wrong. Cast one also, bought it a couple years back. Not totally thrilled with it but it’s all I have.
  4. JoHan did do some Larks, the convert pictured above is not real hard to locate. The Premier ones shown are very rare, I purchased a convert & sedan many years ago at a toy show in Columbus & have never seen ether anywhere since. MCW does produce resin 59-60 Lark’s a HT & Sedan. There have been some other resin Studebakers over the years.
  5. Good product & service, buy with confidence
  6. Tom, right now no one has produced an Airflow in resin, Ron Cash was working on one before he got sick, but that was a long time ago. Sure wish someone would.
  7. Bill is fine, saw him a couple months ago. He is on facebook occasionally.
  8. The Parts Box sells a very nice resin hot rod V-12 flathead.
  9. I was up there in May, specifically went to see these two cars. It was definitely worth the 4 1/2 hour drive each way to see them.
  10. Someone way back did a resin of the Corvair, R&D Unique maybe ? When an unbuilt one appears it goes for serious money.
  11. Exactly, looks like S/SS class on the rear roof pillar.
  12. The only flathead Pontiac straight eight was a resin one from Kitchen Tables Resins. He closed his business a couple years ago. The many time reissued AMT 1941 Plymouth has a flat six. I have modified this engine to be a reasonable copy of both a Studebaker flat six and a Ford flat six. Going farther back the Monogram 1930’s Packards have flathead straight eight engines. Another person answered the Replicas & Miniatures has a Pontiac straight eight. Not really, first it is an overhead valve engine and while it is supposed to represent a Buick straight eight, it is not real accurate. But it is still a nice looking motor. Your best and cheapest route would probably get a couple of the ‘41 Plymouth’s and do some cutting on the flat six to create a flat eight.
  13. I & everyone else thought John Carlisle was retiring & shutting down this business. Wonder what changed.
  14. I don’t know about using lacquer thinner as glue but MEK works very well.
  15. The 221,260,289,302 & 351 W were all externally the same basic engine. Different bores & stroke to give the different displacement.
  16. Check American Industrial Truck Models, he specializes in just resin truck bodies and parts.
  17. The Rustoleum primer is probably enamel & the color coat is likely a lacquer or urethane. You should never shoot anything but enamel over enamel. Find a primer from the same manufacturer as the paint.
  18. A crime to pull parts out of a kit to use on another build ? If so I’m going to jail forever, I saw cut them up, swap parts, age or value who cares ! This hobby is about building not saving boxes full of plastic.
  19. No need to clear over BMF, I have builds from 20-30+ years ago with BMF & they look as good today as when it was first applied.
  20. Howard, the only thing I am aware of is a ‘55-‘56 Bentley by Air Trax. Not sure if it is a complete kit or a trans kit for the Hubley Rolls.
  21. I don’t know anything about cold cast iron powder but that is the now deceased Revell ‘30 coupe from 3-4 years back.
  22. Very sad news, he was a great guy & a fantastic modeler.
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