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About impcon

  • Birthday 07/25/1951

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  • Scale I Build
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  • Full Name
    Gary Cook

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Thank you for the suggestion.. I may be missing something, but based on what I can find on his Fotki page, he offers hardly any decals compared to what I thought he used to. But I appreciate your input - thank you..
  2. Thank you - I seem to get the sense that white and yellow were very common.. those cars do look good in white I will admit. Mopar seemed to be losing their edge with the really unique performance cars around 1975 - or at least it seems that way too me. Most everything after the late 1960's and early '70's was sort of tame compared to the Challengers, 'Cudas, Chargers, etc. No offence meant to people who like the newer years - but nothing was built that compared in MANY respects.. This is only my personal opinion, by the way.
  3. Thank you. I'll have a look and see what I can find.
  4. Thanks for the lead Steve.. I appreciate it. I wonder if anyone on this side of the Atlantic produces a similar product? It will be interesting to know..
  5. I just received a '75 Road Runner rebuilder from a dear friend and I am hoping to do the car in it's original glory with a factory striping package. I am considering painting it white, red or blue.. I am inclined toward white with gold stripes, but it depends on what ( if anything ) is available. I'm almost tempted to backdate the color to 1969 Seafoam Turquoise.. we'll see where it goes with the striping if it is available... Any suggestions will be appreciated guys - thanks in advance.
  6. I have placed a small order with Elm City Hobbies as I found Scott to be VERY personable and willing to help - plus he offers honest, decent, actual shipping charges that sure are the best that I have found.. He has a decent assortment stock and will try to get what is needed if he doesn't have it in stock. My order will come in a padded envelop for considerably less than I'd have to pay were the items coming from the U.S. He'll be my first go to guy for what I need from here on. Thank you guys for the other retailers - I sure appreciate your input.
  7. Edgar - pm sent.. thank you for responding.. Gary
  8. Sorry guys for not posting.. life has got in the way and I've been sorta tied up.. Thank you everyone for your input, suggestions and advice - I REALLY appreciate each and every reply. I'll try to contact Elm City Hobbies and filing that< I'll go with either R&M or MADD. I've bought from Norm before but that was when we were privileged to have a WA. State mailing address. Crossing the Canada/U.S. Border is no longer an option ( for the time being anyways ) that I can enjoy. Many retailers want inflated prices for shipping into Canada a,d being as I'm not tripping over my money and the cost of living is going up, I am compelled to try to keep expenses down. I also appreciate your tutorial Daniel and will certainly keep your suggestion in mind. Thank you again everyone and I am always open too suggestions. Gary
  9. Can anyone suggest a reasonably priced source for pre-wired distributors in Canada? The postage that most people charge to ship items across the border is all often very high and unreasonable - especially when it comes to many ( most? ) ebay sellers. Any help is appreciated.
  10. One more question.. you mentioned using lacquer primer.. so would you recommend using actual 1:1 automotive lacquer primer ahead of Tamiya primers? I n years past, I used Martin Senour ( Sherwin Williams ) lacquer primer on models and it seemed to work very well and a quart would last a lifetime ( almost *smiles* ) and Tamiya primers are getting up there in price here in Canada. The last can that I bought was well over $20.00 after taxes.. Your opinions will be welcomed. As always, Gary
  11. Thank you for your detailed, informative and helpful post for which I am most grateful and no doubt, your counsel will help many others. I sincerely appreciate your taking the time to respond as you did. As always, Gary.
  12. I've been looking at Model Car World paints and considering trying them being as I prefer factory stock builds and some factory colours are very hard to match. Then there is Scale Finishes although their choice of colours seems pretty limited from what I can see on their website. They say that when you walk through a minefield, you should always use the foot prints of the guy that went before you as a guide and that's much like painting. So my questions are as follows: 1) What supplier of paint do you use and the reasons why..? 2) What's the difference in the paints? 3) Does anyone out there have suggestions and/or guidelines for the different paints? 4) What are your preferred methods of finishing the job as to what do you recommend for the final coats? 5) Are there any other suppliers who can mix factory colours and how would you rate them? It would seem to me that a sticky thread for discussing paint finishes may be a good is a.. maybe even welcomed by a lot of people in having concerns and questions answered... I know that there are lots of paints in the hobby shops but it's trying to duplicate those factory colours and while some people like spray cans, I've never been partial to them over the years. They have their place, I guess, but the colours are limited. Please feel free to pm me if you wish to. Thank you in advance.
  13. Thank you all for your wise counsel and advice. The old adage about walking through a mine field really does apply too striping models - when walking through a mine field, it is always best to walk in the foot prints of someone who has gone before you. With the cost of most resin " kits" - especially old and obsolete ones, one can't be too careful. And then there is always the chance that what works on a model from one caster may not work on something from someone else because not everyone does everything the same way. I have no idea where to buy Testors ELO and I am not paying $19.19 ( U.S. ) for an 8 ounce can of it and then $22.00+ for shipping into Canada. I have no issues with the cost of the ELO but these postage costs are getting out of hand. I shipped two car models into the U.S. a week ago and the cost was over $50.00. So it's sandpaper and lotsa patience and time, I guess. Thanks again,,
  14. I have an old Modelhaus '59 Chevy 2 door wagon that I had started to paint a number of years ago. I'd like to remove the paint that I put on ( Automotive Acrylic Enamel over lacquer primer ) and start from scratch but I have reservations that the Castrol Super Clean may damage the old resin. I use an ultrasonic cleaner for stripping and the solvent is heated to just above my body temperature and that seems to really help with removing paint. Has anyone ever used Super Clean on Modelhaus resins??
  15. The quality of the items that you will receive, if they are at all comparable to those that were sent to fill my order, will prove to be well worth the wait. It took me several tries but Ii did get a reply and there are no complaints here. As a matter of fact, I'll be placing another order for some more parts in the next day or so. I wish you well.
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