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About B_rad88

  • Birthday 09/27/1988

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  • Scale I Build
    1/12-1/64 scale

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. True, but i thought i had got a good deal on the merc sl63. Well atleast i was happy with it, n thats all that matters right? Lol. Speaking of the sl63, is there a sl65 (the v12 car)same body style years in kit? Also is there any aftermarket parts for my sl63?
  2. Another confession if I Must: MEME from ELP MODELING facebook page.
  3. If I had a workspace right now instead of my lap to do work on!
  4. On my tablet screen it looks CGI, like something out of the godfather video game for ps3....... I can honestly say I have no clue on what this is, but I can guess...
  5. And? What my local walmart had wasn't that good either. They had nothing new or exciting! All was like 2012-2013 reissues and other stuff. Countless of dukes of hazard cop cars, monogram cobras and mustangs that aren't good, and many snap kits with occasionally a semi. I had talked to a manager at my local Walmart before on why they stopped, and apparently in my area young kids (mid-high school) was stealing the glue and paints to get high. I've even seen a few huff in the store, and immediately told a employee. That stuff isn't cool at all! But I guess that's what I get for living in a cruddy area.....
  6. That's exactly why I never got a R35, at my local hobbylobby bout 10mins ferther than micheals which is a good 30min drive away, it was $65! I walked away disgusted! Picked up an aoshima merc benz sl63 amg (non custom wheel version) for $25 instead!
  7. Wow! But its prob gonna be $60
  8. An old rhd mini is the best cause the LHD have no dead pedal/foot rest space..... And there is newer rhd cars in the country in new York there is a 2002 Alfa romeo coupe(not the 8c or 4c) also according to the (forgot the site) new BMWs are made to meet world regulations, cause the site lists 2010 and newer for legal importation. I've looked into it and its best to say to buy from a place that does it right by the books and papers! As some places dont. In vero beach Florida, at a website call wiredwheels they had a 1994 tvr griffith for sale not road legal even tough Florida has no inspections or regulations like new York or Cali for example. But that one website I linked few posts up "japanese classics" they are legit! All vehicles are ready to pick up with virgina titles! The titles easily transfers in states, also a road legal R32 gtr is less than 30g's and you got keys in hand driving home! I personally rather have some of the Japanese keijidosha ("kei" mirco cars) instead Mazda az-1 and Suzuki cappuccino, mmmmmmmmm. Lol
  9. Wish i could hae gotten the 89 isuzu imark rs that i found. Basically no interior, and needs motor mounts a hood, bumper, and rear quarter windows, on top of other misc stuff needed. Ugh!
  10. yes I know, but its still odd. from my understanding they used those mirrors to help see around the tight blind corners, you think those are odd, check out the big vans they have a mirror hanging off the back aimed down at the bumper...
  11. Is there a show in central Florida? Space coast to be more exact.....
  12. Lol yes that would be weird, but then again Subaru's are sold as Toyota and vise versa, lol I ment the brz/FRS/gt86/ect.
  13. Yes its an old topic, but I was wondering if Norman of replicas and miniatures or Maryland ever finish the resin casting of the convertible? And does any one have pics of the promo metros?
  14. I was kinda close with the Isuzu statesman, both cars are now rare and hard to find
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