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Everything posted by mcandela

  1. Work is awesome!!! Like it a lot!!!!!
  2. Actually they are from the MPC Corvette annuals, (71-74) from way back.
  3. Reall kool!!!!
  4. Like Mike Kucaba said, Lemans Minitures had a great GT40 in the Goldline series, (very expensive), very detailed. Fujimi models also make great looking curbsides. Go to my fotki link and I have 2, the 69 gulf colors and the Lemans winner.
  5. Amazon has it for less than 10.00 bucks.
  6. Great looking paint!!! Excellent
  7. Very kool looking model!!
  8. This is really a good looking model, Congrats!!!
  9. Everytime I see one of your post I ask myself, "What did you create this time?". And everytime it is a great build!!!!! This is KOOL!!!!!
  10. This is very kool!!!
  11. The whole model was masked and sprayed the black trim out of a spray can, (flat black). Thanks all for the comments.
  12. Models: Usually internet, mainly ebay. Paints: Advance Auto, Pep Boys and Walgreens. (nail polishes) Supplies: Different hobby shops we visit when we go over to the states to attend model car shows. Usually I stock up for a whole year. (We are a team of 3 or 4 that haul from Puerto Rico to compete in shows in the USA)
  13. George53, The taillights on the 70 Dart were single taillights on each side, when the 71 Dart came out it had 2 smaller taillights on each side. Hope this clarifys it.
  14. Beautiful model!!!
  15. Kool vette, whats the story on the Vega?
  16. This is a great model to work on. Only thing about it is the fitting of the panels when using the vinyl lines. Maybe You using the braided lines will have more space to deal with putting the panels on and off. Another thing to keep an eye out for are the tires, they tend to just break in half. If this happens pm me, I had to make molds and make copies of the tires in order to finish mine. I built mine out of the box, it's on page 8 of the underglass section. Keep posting your work.
  17. Pintura Nitida, excelente!!!!
  18. Very kool!! A while back I built the Gunze Sangyo curbside model of this beautiful car. Car has very good looking lines!! Well built.
  19. Those Fisher kits are curbsides, but Man do they come out very sharp looking and Kool!!!
  20. Thanks for the comments! @Daddyfink, That is why it took me so long, on and off, trying not to kill it when frustration was there.
  21. Kool looking fuel injection set-up. Where did You get it?? Did You make it Yourself?
  22. Perfect!
  23. Carl, it is so true what You are saying. But it's been 3 years and at my age I barely remember what happened yesterday!.
  24. Thanks guys!!
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