Hello Gang, I can't believe it took me this long too find this site, Very glad an excited too be here, I love too build Model cars, Mostly IHRA,NHRA Drag racing and muscle car's, I have been building my Whole Life almost, I started at about 10, and won my first couple of contest's back then at my good ol little town Toy shop "remember them" HO and Slot car tracks, Models stacked too the ceiling, and all RC Cars were on a cable, with 4 giant C-D Cell batteries!! My Toy shop was in my home town of Bucyrus Ohio, it was named Sullivan's toy land, I had the hook up, the owner son was also a class mate of mine in same school, I loved that place, My first car that I won with was the "Red Alert Chevelle, "recall that car" Its the first time I wired my engine! I used Yellow Thread from my mom's sewing box! also, carpet, "no flocking yet" So I cut the Top layer of our carpet from behind the B/w Tv, "at 10 It was 1970, we received our color TV about 74,My Pops went nuts when he took the old TV OUT lol, My car was decent, I put glue in the bottom if interior pan and sprinkled the shaved carpet fibers in,,lol, I won!! any kit of my choice, I took the 63 Corvette "Rod Shop" red white and blue! She was big scale, like 1/16 or something, also received spray paint, brush kit and glue "testers of Corse, and that's my story, been hooked ever since, I been getting into Sterline and retrofitting parts, I can't believe some of the new stuff out here too help us build, I was out of it for about 18 yrs, daughter, family and a thing called work, back then No Internet, only magazine's once in awhile, I love the Flocking, and the Ignition wiring kits, "no sewing thread" lol, I do fuel lines now, and break's, I have gone on too long, can't wait too meet a few or all of you and trade idea's and tips, Oh, ,I just started the Green Elephant F/C, using the 74 Schumacher Vega, and slixx decals, just Now opened the Box, Funny its a 95 kit "18 yrs old, and didn't bat an eye, "wife was like That's a collector item"..lol So..Im building it!! "Its a model car kit thing" lol,,BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH,, Here I go again,, sorry, ok, drop me a line, I have posted a few of my cars, "Just don't know how to find them now" There in the gallery, under "aspence5, or alan spence.lol,,maybe booboo60..anywho, drop me a line any time, take care, and Build On Gentlemen..