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Everything posted by HEdwards2009

  1. Mike, you are officially my new hero in the modeling world. I have to know one thing though and forgive me if someone already beat me to the question. What is the body made of? Resin, die-cast, or styreen? I like the way it fits with the metal tubing and undercarriage.
  2. Call me stupid but why does the hood look like a washed out white in this picture? Remember I'm still a semi-newb and didn't know about some of the things such as sanding, primer, etc. Is that just the white primer coat on the hood itself?
  3. http://www.amazon.com/Dremel-1130-01-7-2-V...0756&sr=1-3 What do you all think about this combo pack for the Dremel Stylus. I'm also considering the 3 for that is right below the main featured item and wanted some opinions on it before purchase. Thanks
  4. That picture is going to be my new best friend this weekend. I've also starting coming up with some ideas for a paint booth/modeling table combination I know that's a different section so I won't elaborate here. Told my wife yesterday that I wanted a Dremel for Father's Day . Thanks again guys and the sig has just been updated.
  5. Thanks for the info and welcoming a semi-newb with open arms. SSNJim, I'm also favorable to your last name Looks like I will be going to a local hobby shop to stock up on supplies. I've also been using some older testor enamels and acrylics so I'm beginning to think that might be part of my problem as well.
  6. I've been building model cars for a few years now and have a collection of several different varieties. I've been looking around for some best practices or straight how-tos in regards to sanding, painting, etc. and actually just stumbled across this site. I'm always looking for new methods to make things adhere better and haven't really tried sanding. Never really quite understood what sandpaper and models had in common until I started reading some of the posts here. I also can't seem to figure out why I can't get my glue to adhere like it should. I've used both Testors brand (toxic and non-toxic) in the red and blue tubes and have been waiting the desired time on the tube but when I try to add new parts they either come apart or fall off altogether. All I ask is that you be gentle as I still consider myself a newbie when it comes to modeling and have found that it is a great stress reliever in my life
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