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  • Full Name
    Charley Hepperle

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  1. Do the best you can with what you've got.

  2. Thanks! I don't have a sub so I bought a single copy -- $11! It's an entire issue of weathering techniques. The price is kind of steep but it was worth it to see step-by-step examples with explanatory text. For example, I'd heard of chipping fluid but I had no idea about what it was until seeing this.
  3. Thanks again for the kind comments. However, I mistakenly jacked up the rear too much. Since it's a curbside model, a quick cut to my snap-in rear axle holder brought it down to still have a California rake but one that is much more traditional.
  4. Thanks for finding and posting this. That radical kustom '58 Ford must have been something to see driving in traffic! After 12:40 the video shows a fellow with revolvers doing some quick-draw shooting at cans -- who was he?
  5. Thanks, all, for the kind words. As always, I'm open to constructive criticism, too. Here's my build thread on a different forum: https://trakinscale.proboards.com/thread/20012/1961-pontiac-ventura-kustom .
  6. Thanks! Well, just a vague idea for the Riv as a sectioned topless speedster with a short windscreen and tonneau covering most of the interior. I'm building a series of 1/25 rods and customs that could have been built in 1:1 from the late '50s to the mid '60s. The operative word is "could" because although I'm using traditional era-correct parts and mods I have the benefit of hindsight to look like I was predicting the future such as the big beak on this '61.
  7. Thanks! Actually, they are chrome but they do look clear from some angles. Here's a video that shows the car, and interior, rotating that shows it better:
  8. Here's a curbside kustom I've just finished. It started as a Moebius 1961 Pontiac Ventura hardtop. Bbbbb-but, a '61 doesn't have that roof. You're right. It's from a '63 Riviera. Paint is Tamiya Clear Green over metallic silver and areas of pearl white with various colors of fogging.
  9. Here's a military modeler's DIY: https://d6combat.com/diy-washes-contrast-paint/ I haven't tried it but it appears to be OK. I use Kodak Photo Flo (prevents water spots on water-rinsed photo film) for making "wet water" on diorama scenery* -- it performs the same function as dish detergent except that it doesn't have degreasing, fragrance, etc. ingredients. *It keeps thin water/glue solutions from beading up, it is not used to simulate water.
  10. I've just discovered this thread and have some other projects in the works. Something just "called" to me about a week ago, though, and I ordered the chopped/filled body and stock firewall from Drag City Castings. All I'm sure of is that it won't be a modern street rod with air suspension, billet nor rubber-band tires...and it won't be a rat rod, either.
  11. My middle name could be Butterfingers. So, I finally created this and it works fine because nearly any size of bottle fits.
  12. Mine arrived yesterday via USPS in ZIP917XX near Los Angeles, CA. Looks good!
  13. Could you re-post the photo links? Based on the comments this looks like something that I'd really like to see.
  14. Cool! There are so many details to see in the photo link. I especially like "Big Daddy" stuffed into the Rotar. And who could't smile at seeing the overall diorama with a bubble top, of course. Thanks for building and showing this.
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