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Erik Smith

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About Erik Smith

  • Birthday 11/18/1971

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  • Full Name
    Erik Smith

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Doesn’t the shipping show when you preview your listing prior to putting up on the site? I’ve been selling on eBay for 16 years and over 1000 transactions and have never had issues with the shipping calculator. In fact, eBay expanded the choices and includes cheaper options than just priority (USPS parcel select ground) - and most of the time it’s almost as fast as priority. Now, not being able to edit the shipping, that’s annoying.
  2. I would 100% look at Toyota 4Runner. If you want reliability and longevity and the ability to handle dirt roads, this is the vehicle to get. It’s still a truck chassis with an SUV body - one of the very few to still be configured with an actual frame. I would not recommend a Subaru - yes they are popular, yes every other person in the Northwest drives one - but if your roads are wearing out a Highlander, they will do the same to a Subaru. Also, Subarus are not as reliable as most people think. They suffered for ages with major head gasket issues (our 2000 has had them replaced twice) then major oil consumption issues, then major issues with CVT transmissions. Our 2017 Outback was one of the most unreliable cars we’ve owned - not only did the transmission start to fail at 42k miles, the car constantly required new batteries - four in our four years of ownership. Subaru is well aware of the issues and doesn’t do a lot to fix them - they gave us a new battery twice and a cutting board and coffee cup. I’ve had three Subarus and they have been less and less reliable the newer they were. Jeeps would be able to handle the road but are not in the same class of reliability or ride comfort or overall usability as the Toyota. Just to add - I work in the woods of North Idaho and have for 30+ years. Tacomas are the “go-to” for backcountry travel up here.
  3. Had an 84 - they are the last of the great trucks, well, at least last of the cool trucks you could work on easy and were reliable as heck. They are, however, really hard to find these days - especially ones that aren’t trashed or converted into some stubby off road abomination. And, yeah, value is definitely following the upward trend.
  4. I think I saw a lot of the same stl files someplace - the same seller as the 3D parts. If I come across them I’ll post it.
  5. Second paragraph also says “1967 Chevy”. I get annoyed at all the internet “journalism” and obvious errors - the language in that whole 8 second “article” is horrible. With basically no cost to post these words, there is no reason to have an editor - as would the case be in old school print.
  6. If you’re doing a Texas car, get out the big drill bit…
  7. She is a Maine Coon. She’s pretty and weird in a good way.
  8. Our orange cat - Miss Birdie - will sit for hours watching tv.
  9. Kind of have to agree…just don’t tell the others…
  10. I really appreciate odd scales - thanks for making them available. I will go through your website for future purchases - thanks!
  11. 3/4 of the gang.
  12. Filling up the back with essentials:
  13. Nice work! Good looking model. I think it’s a testament to how nice this resin conversion kit is that people are finishing them and they are coming out looking great!
  14. Nice! Good looking model. I like the old baby bumper Pintos.
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