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  • Full Name
    Jonathan LikeTheFish

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. How did I miss this earlier? So very cool!
  2. Have really enjoyed watching your process and progress with this build! Beautiful work so far.
  3. Oh wow, that is cool!
  4. Eran - nice work so far! Monty - Do you happen to know what issue that was which featured the corrections?
  5. Does anyone know of a source for these wheels? Different that the 289 wheels, and different than the Halibrands available in the Monogram 427 kit (and other kits, as far as I know).
  6. Here's the thread. Solid stuff
  7. I picked up a couple of both of these trucks and am looking forward to building them!
  8. Which is a re-pop from AMT (and briefly Matchbox) from around ... 1977 or 1978, if I recall correctly. Still - a great kit to spend time on this winter. Looking forward to seeing your progress.
  9. Very nice! One of my favorite schemes.
  10. Amazing display of integrity. Thank you so much! I absolutely wish the best for your brother.
  11. Oh man, do I love these builds! So very cool!
  12. Absolutely beautiful work on this ancient kit! And I agree, the green is perfect.
  13. Thank you both! I may just have to buy one of each ...
  14. Thank you - I was surprised at how well the moldings have held up; hardly any flash at all. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Yes - I was also surprised the see that the entire body structure is molded as one piece - curtains and all! Fun to mask! Thank you! Thank you! It was a little before my time, but I did watch a couple of reruns after I received the kit (was a gift from my brother-in-law). What a gas! Thank you! Thank you! I'd love to see your build! Thank you! Yep, you should build it - it's a different sort of build, for sure. Thank you! Thank you!
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