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  1. Nice combination, and I agree with the comments about the first picture, at first glance I thought you were showing us the real 'inspiration' before getting into the model pics. Best Regards, Wayne
  2. Yes, nice details . . . those tanks are amazing. Please keep posting pics, can't wait to see this one progress Best Regards, Wayne
  3. Ahhh . . . my first truck model, (it was 1974 I think) Never could get the stacks to stay mounted to the cab, drove me completely nuts . . . Can't wait to see your build progress, please post plenty of pics. Are you planning much detailing? Best regards, Wayne
  4. Very nice work . . . personally I think that the chrome fronts look great with the painted tanks and quarters, if they were chrome then maybe that might border on a bit much . . . not that you asked for my opinion, lol! Best Regards, Wayne
  5. Tim . . . are the wheels Duplicolor, Killer Chrome or ?? To me, those are your most realistic yet. I love the way you use different NMF finishes to get that real life look. Very nice Pete, Regards, Wayne
  6. I can relate . . . !!! Looks good Ray. Regards, Wayne
  7. Very very nice and well built. I like it better with a shorter frame, but that's just me . . . What paint did you use on the front wheels and grille shroud. Very real looking . . . Congrats, Wayne
  8. Votres camions sont tres bon mssr. Merci pour les photos. That's about all the French I know unfortunately . . . and I'm sure it was pretty bad. I spent a bit of time in LeMans and Loue a few years back, very beautiful area out your way. Thanks for posting, very interesting customs, and nicely done. Salut, Wayne
  9. There's a rare one - looks very good. O.K., I have to ask . . . are those goldfish in the water to the left of the truck. Looks like a you have a very interesting property there as well. Anyway, congrats on both I guess ! Regards, Wayne
  10. I still remember being close to first in line on opening night for the first Smokey and the Bandit movie at our local cinema. Can't wait to see this build progress further. Your detailing is phenomenal. I wish I could have found brass channel for my cab steps, I probably scrapped at least 2 dozen attempts with Plastruct. I don't know if it's just the photo, but your door panels painted look just like actual black vinyl to me . . . any special prep/paint there that you'd consider sharing? Please keep the pics coming, I was very inspired looking through your album. Best Regards, Wayne
  11. Wow . . . I guess it's true what they say, that a picture is worth a thousand rivets, . . . or something to that effect !! lol Very impressive Ray . . . Thanks very much for the cab pics. This is going to be a killer-looking rig when it's done . . . looking forward to it. Best regards, Wayne
  12. I really admire your dedication to the details Ray. 815+ holes . . . Holy Cow !! I was going to order 500 rivets, but I guess I'd better verify what I need first. Please post cab pics, esp the roof if you have any . . . Looking forward to seeing this one come along . . . Best Regards, Wayne
  13. Thanks Ray, Wow, That's a very cool looking rig indeed. Has the real truck had the rivets removed from the front, looks very smooth in the pic. Great work! Regards, Wayne
  14. Ray, Looking good, nice and straight . . . any pics of the real truck you're basing it on? Regards, Wayne
  15. Yes, very nice . . . that color really works imo. Nice work on the wipers, window frame and louvres too, that looks sharp . . .
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