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Everything posted by bigmikevee

  1. Hey Gang, I am really curious as to why people post, I know there are probably as many reasons as there are members, so why do YOU post? And, why do YOU comment? I think a lot of people may find this interesting as the topic gains momentum, I know I will. I have seen some wonderful models and topics, with thoughful and insightful, kind and articulate comments, and I have also watched some things go to a hot place in a handbasket really quickly, not always sure why. I know if it is out there for all to see, then it is fair game for any and all comments, whether spiteful or kind, provocative or a simple "atta boy" (or girl...hey ladies!!), informative or destructive, well...the list can go on and on. To answer my own questions, have not posted any models yet, hopefully as my work improves will post something worthwhile soon, but...enjoy watching what others build, it improves my skills and just plain puts a smile on my face, especially when it hits the "cool" factor. Don't know how to put the "cool" factor into words, kinda like love, know it when ya feel it, know it when ya don't. Never go looking for it, but always glad when it shows up. When it shows up, usually leave a comment. Or, will leave a comment to ask a question or to improve knowledge on a topic. Almost fell into a "bar fight" awhile back on a topic, made me very uncomfortable here, but it happens, wished it didn't, but....put artistic alpha people in front of a keyboard and, ya get what ya get, right? So, what are your answers? Thanks. Mike
  2. Hi Ron, I like it!! Those parody cars are just so cool, and you took yours to a whole 'nother level, very good job. I can tell this was a fun model, thanks for posting. Mike
  3. Hi John, Something different for you, never seen you do a custom? Looks great, the paint fits the car just right, thanks for posting. Still wonder how you get such good camera shots, interior shots look excellent. Keep having fun!! Mike
  4. Hey gang, Here is my take on this topic. I am new, excited and happy to be here, working out a ton of new ideas and techniques and would love to post something....but, why post something that I know is not quite there? I could add the comment that it is "my first posted build" or something like that, and I am sure some people would say something positive, but why bother? I want to display the best model I am capable of building, not my trial-and-error stuff. Then, when I am giving the best I've got, I would welcome any and all criticism, pointing out a better way to do something or pointing out something I should have done but didn't, well, the list goes on. But I feel the approach I am taking is what will help me become a better modeler, I like the idea of people commenting on what they see, but it should be something worth seeing. I used to (and still occasionally do) teach music, I always tell my students that can't wait to get out there and play, to trust their instincts, when the song is ready, you'll know it. Until then, it's not. Here's two pennies. Mike
  5. O. C. You just keep building all my favorite cars, how'd ya know? Always super clean and so much fun to look at, thanks again for all your posts. Keep posting and we'll keep looking!! Mike
  6. Ya know, those real men on those other forums don't breathe fumes, they just breathe stale cigarette smoke, it takes a real man to breathe what we do!!
  7. Geezerman, Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this PU, you must have a steady hand to paint those graphics!! Very, very nice PU, looks kinda rat, kinda custom, kinda smoke yer tail at the stoplight. Cool!! I was also noticing the weathering on your garage, man, that looks sharp, another one of those that makes you look twice, looks real to me. Thanks for posting, always enjoy looking at your work. Mike
  8. Hello Johnny, Sorry to hear about your wife, along with all of the other great folks here, I wish her a speedy recovery and please know that you are in my prayers. You've got a lot of fine people pulling for you on this end, stay strong and God Bless. Mike
  9. Hi John, Glad to see you are still having fun, I can always tell! Ok, just wanted to comment on your LSRH....simply beautiful, don't even have the words to tell you how much I enjoy your work, but....I have figured out how you do it. Everybody else thinks you shrink the real stuff, but I think you shrink yourself, work on your projects like you are working on 1:1 and then un-shrink yourself just in time for dinner!! Don't worry John, your secret is safe with me. Magnificent, and as always, thank you very much for posting to share with us. Mike
  10. Hey gang, I had read a long time ago about NNL, but finding info on it is difficult. I heard something about missing modelers at shows a long time ago, but can't find any more info. Is this some insider thing, like a secret handshake, that I haven't earned yet? I am just curious, as I always see pictures of NNL shows all over the place. Mike
  11. Hi Scott, Bluesman Mark hit the nail on the head, he gave you very good advice, from what I have learned, all products he's mentioned will work extremely well. My one-cent...don't use Squadron Putty, which you will see at some hobby shops, it will shrink and crack on you, sometimes way later on after you think you are done with your model, risky to use when so many other options available. As far as local hobby shops, go to Wild Bill's Hobby Shop, 535 E. Shady Grove Irving, Tx. 972-438-9224. One of the BEST shops I have ever seen for models, etc. tons of cars, packed from ceiling to floor, good staff, and you could spend a lot of time in there. Enjoy that place, worth the trip (about 35 min. from downtown Ft. Worth). Enjoy and have fun. Mike
  12. Fred, Looks great, nice and clean mean machine, just the way it should be. Man, black is tough to paint, but when you get it right, WOW!! Thanks for posting. Mike
  13. CRANKY ROCKS!!! Have you guys visited his Fotki site? I looked at it last week, was on there somewhere close to three hours just enjoying his craftsmanship, and his willingness to share his pictures with us. Just a joy to behold, he is another unique craftsman that enhances our wonderful hobby, and motivates people like me...and I am grateful. Folks, check it out, worth the visit. Thanks for all your hard work Cranky. Mike
  14. Highway, you da man!! Always depend on you for a great answer or direction, and it is truly appreciated. Thank you Matthew. Mike

  15. Hi Don, Welcome to a great place, drop in for happy hour!! I am also returning to this wonderful hobby, just a great bunch of folks here, you can get good solid answers from knowledgeable builders, and trust me, your skills will improve. Now, if this may help you, here's what I do now vs. what I did before. First off, got a magnifying visor to make it easier to see details (a visor keeps your hands free), GREAT investment. Also, got a couple of good lights, can't do detailed work if you can't see details. Also got some good tools for shaping and sanding, don't forget man's second best friend, the x-acto knife, micro mark is great place. Good tip- do not tear off parts from trees like we did when we were younger, get a good cutter, or for the budget, use nail clippers for now, then sand down the nub to make it smooth, doesn't leave torn-up area on parts. Now, for other sanding and do-dad's, try Sally's beauty or any beauty supply house. Nail files, flexible sanders, just wander and grab a handful of rough and smooth stuff, experiment on the sprue before you try on the model itself. Also, next time the wife goes to Hooby Lobby, Michaels, etc. tag along, lots of cheap odds and ends like bead wiring and beading tools that, down the road, can really make your modeling better and save some money again. Once I got some basic tools together, I concentrated on removing the parts cleanly, filling in sink holes, removing any flashing and mold lines, just making parts look right and then test fitting before painting and glueing. I also started mock-up glueing together with elmers glue to make sure things were going to fit right, the quality of the models has improved so much, but....they still like a little massaging here and there, the more critical you are (while relaxing and enjoying) the better the end results. Look twice, sand and shape once, and bingo, ya got something!! Hope this helps a little Don, been on the forum myself since Feb. this year, just tried to condense the above information (which I got from the good folks here) into a couple paragraphs to help you, just like everybody helped me. I have become a very dangerous beginner ha-ha simply by following the above, plus as soon as I post this, I know more folks will bring up things I might have forgotten to tell you. It's fun to help people here with my own little tips, keeps the ball rolling. Welcome back and have fun, post some pictures when you can. You came to the right place, open 24-7 and don't forget happy hour!! Mike
  16. Geezerman, Don't know if it would run in the real world, don't care neither. I just know it is cool, and to me the cool is what makes life....and models.....well, cool. Enjoy your work, please make next one with THREE engines just to see what it looks like. Thanks for posting and making a cool ride!! Mike
  17. Hi Jim, Your truck looks great, color turned out really nice, keep 'em coming and thanks for posting. Mike
  18. OOOOHHHHH YEAH!! Nice to see something you don't see often, GTO's are just the coolest, you did a great job of making it even cooler!! Great looking car, thanks for posting. Mike
  19. Hey Edward, Looking mighty good, clean build, anything with a blower sticking out is cool, you did a really good job, color just screams F-A-S-T. Know what you mean about the forums, I have learned a lot, and just like you, feel it is the place to enhance your skills. Your model looks great, keep up the good work and thanks for posting! Can't wait to see what you do next. Mike
  20. Hey Cranky, Thanks for posting something different from around the world. As far as not topping, I looked at your Fotki albums this week, and you've got nothing to worry about. Now, if I could just figure out what they are saying....... Mike
  21. Hi Bob, Well I just had to take a second look, both cars just look so sharp. Had a couple of questions if I may? How do you dry in the sun, aren't you worried about warping bodies and also, what about the humidity? From what I have learned (and I need to learn a lot...) humidity doesn't affect the paint after it is sprayed, it just affects the drying time. Also, do you spray indoors or out? I am using the garage, but the humidity is just killing me (live very close to Galveston Bay) and always waaayyy too humid and hot except for a couple days a month during the summer. Any tips/ideas how to deal with humidity and dry without damage are sure appreciated. I love your models, keep up the good work, a true joy to behold. Thanks again. Mike
  22. Hi Bob, Man, the shots of them sitting side-by-side look terrific, back in the day shots, both the cars look great, moves never seem to be a big problem but glad they survived the girlfriends! Thanks for posting. Mike
  23. shame the tarp blew off, coulda maybe saved the paint. Good job Wolfie, thanks for posting. Mike
  24. Hi Drew, Just wanted to welcome you back to this wonderful hobby. Don't have anything VW to offer, sorry, but one suggestion now that I know you are over 21....get some type of hands-free magnifier. I resisted getting one for a while because I thought I didn't need it (ok, really didn't want to admit my age....) but when I finally got one, all I can say is WOW, best investment so far. Welcome aboard the best of the best are here, and I hope you have as much fun returning as I did. Now...just have fun!! Mike
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