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About LDO

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  • Scale I Build

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. I mean pay it forward. I can send you the parts. Just help someone else when you can.
  2. If you don’t have anything I’m into, just help someone else out when you can.
  3. That’s a funny site. Also look for Awesome Ways To Quit Your Job and Awesome Ways To Break Bad News. They had a few videos in a “This had to have happened” series. The one about last names is funny.
  4. I have one. It appears to have everything but the body. Send a PM with your address. If you want to do a trade, I’m interested in street rods, 1980s and up funny cars and top fuel dragsters, 1930s coachbuilt cars, motorcycles excluding Harley-Davidson, but Revell choppers are cool. (I would modify for a Japanese or European engine) and lots of other things. No NASCAR or big commercial vehicles.
  5. I chopped up a couple of 612s a few years ago, trying to make one look more like a pre-production sketch. I can check to see if I still have parts. If so, you can have them. I’m at lunch right now. It will be later tonight or tomorrow.
  6. Thank you. I’ll get one ordered and see if it will work.
  7. Your photo may be what I was thinking of. I believe I saw that car in black & white
  8. I thought I saw one online not long ago. IIRC it had a roots blower on either side of a plenum/manifold. I would guess a central drive with belts or chains spinning the blowers. It is entirely possible that my memory is faulty. Either way, there’s no reason it couldn’t be done on a model.
  9. Ice work. I love to see that kind of modeling. Please show your other planes. I’m sure they are just as fascinating.
  10. Now I need a 1/10 scale Black Lab for the sidecar.
  11. I’ve been hoping for a 1/16 Leopard 2 for a while. I was an M1A1 tanker stationed in Germany. I got to climb around a Leo 2 (don’t remember which variant) in the late 1990s. Such a cool tank. Up until now, the other options in 1/16 were a cheap rc tank that lacked detail and a Tamiya rc that was also sold as a display only model. The Tamiya kit has better detail, but rare as hen’s teeth, and expensive when it could be found. This new kit has an MSRP of US $199.99, with a pre-order price of US $179.99. The Tamiya kit can easily cost three times as much, so I’m pretty excited about this. Check out Andy’s video. This model is HUGE. Being a tanker was such a cool job. I always worked at getting better, and I was good. Having said that, I am glad that I never fired a shot in anger. Fast forward to 18:48 for the 1/16 Nashorn and Hummel.
  12. A 3D printed Cadillac OHV (331/365/390) V8 in 1/8 scale. Add optional intake manifolds and blower.
  13. Found one at a decent price. Now if only I could find a 1/10 scale Black Lab for a passenger 👍🏻
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