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Everything posted by Lownslow

  1. I did the basics in 2 weeks took 2 years to get where im at practice is why i keep improving
  2. good ol hamb its like the automotive KKK without the pointy hats
  3. im very happy with my order started filling a second one
  4. I need the LS V12 lol with a super charger common
  5. Im just glad i can order any wheel i design now, i decided to move across the country so i had to shelve the plans of purchasing one till i move.
  6. wheels finally came in now i can prep everything for paint
  7. breast cancer awareness wheels i designed
  8. Had mine for a few days now finally got it broken down filling the wheel wells up with BCA 26s
  9. As you guys know next month is Breast Cancer Awareness month and i wanted to organize a event where everyone builds a pink car i even designed special wheels for the event. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1040516/#files You dont have to use the wheels i posted but a pink build would be nice
  10. kool
  11. Exotics, Imports and modern muscle cars thats our world. but often seen as the kids with the goofy camber cars, ricers and donks.
  12. jury duty note, i honestly dont care about them both times ive gone everyone in the group was already jaded about loosing work that they threw the guy under the bus.
  13. Not really i threw the corvette wheels in the garbage the minute i got it im not a big fan of drawing staggered size wheels.
  14. Amani Forged Verato
  15. Drop in optionals for the revell 2015 mustang, i plan on releasing the files at random on shapeways, the first one is out. I highly recommend frosted ultra detail if you want kit like wheels. ill keep this topic updated as theyre released. http://www.thingiverse.com/Esoteric777/collections/2015-mustang-wheelsrevell-snaptite
  16. not a 3d printer but for the cost of a dremel i couldnt say no
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