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fordmoparman01's Achievements

MCM Regular

MCM Regular (3/6)

  1. So I'm guessing you like Ford and Mopar? So do I I think the car hauler Dodge is very unique and I like the first Ford, The wheels and paint is just a great combo!
  2. Nice, just what is a Clabber Girl?
  3. Looks real Good
  4. Ya know ya never see anything of Ol' Buckshot no more, thats a nice car and I like the stand too
  5. That looks nice!
  6. Looks Nice
  7. Hey that looks pretty awesome
  8. I saw a commercial on speed yesterday and I think it said that it will be on Friday night on Speed. I dont remember if it's re-runs or new. -Cody
  9. That's pretty cool! And I love the color too
  10. Man!! That is an awesome set-up :D :D And I noticed your DOH models
  11. The engine actually looks like metal! Great Job so far
  12. Ok, ok, ok..............You're trying to get me to believe that that is a model!?!?! That is AMAZING work
  13. The station looks really nice
  14. :lol:Hahahahahaha. Such detail! Even the little girl's hand on the window in the pizza parlor!
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