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Fuel Injected

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Everything posted by Fuel Injected

  1. Love it, Bronco looks Great. Nice Trailer 2, Were could i find 1?
  2. Working On Fist Diorama Ill post Online.

  3. If I'm sparyin it in my back shed. He'll be fine
  4. that engine is soo good even after studingthe pictures i still dont no what you did. Talent
  5. Looking Sick! id love to see a finished product What did you use for the pillar made of bricks? Cheers
  6. Thanks yerp I've got easy off in the cubord cheers
  7. I Admit it im an idiot. I havnt done a model it years. and when i used to do them i used a paint brush. ive gotten back into it now, i bought black spray paint for a car and fkd it. i did my first lay way to thik. Now it pretty mcuh stiffed, i tryed to sand it and i dont think it was fully dry couse it ddint work well. Help?
  8. I got a Revell Stone, Woods and cook willys
  9. Ill give then sites a look thanks.
  10. Thanks to guy latest replys... im new to dioramas i didnt thing this much thought went into it all but, i under stand realistic is better thanks guys. ill check out ur ideas. Keep posting Cheers
  11. Thanks for the posts guys, I'm still kinda Stuk I no about woodland scenics, but i'm Australian postage will cost to much. I don't no of any model shops near me but I'll keep looking I think I might give the pastal idea a shot for the driveway and not sure on grass yet keep leavin ideas cheers
  12. Yer closet hobby shop i no of was for ww1 dioramas and stuff. went to check it out and it was closed. ill keep reaserching. Thanks for the help Wow, that seems easy ill check it out thanks Mate.
  13. Yes, i have posted this under dioramas.... But i want every1 to see it I'm going to start building on a dio in a few days once i get the base. Im building the typical balsa wood frame garage. i want to have an old junker behind the garage aswell full of parts and stuff. I want a driveway leading to the garage then maybe ill make little steping stones around back. ive never workd with grass for this is my second dio. Whats a simple tecnic that a nub like me will understand??? also i was gonig to spray sand paper black as the drive way, becasue i have plenty of big sheets. Or Is This a bad idea? Help please!!! Hope SOME1 READS THIS!... i realy need help with thouse 2 things. Cheers!
  14. I'm going to start building on a dio in a few days once i get the base. Im building the typical balsa wood frame garage. i want to have an old junker behind the garage aswell full of parts and stuff. I want a driveway leading to the garage then maybe ill make little steping stones around back. ive never workd with grass for this is my second dio. Whats a simple tecnic that a nub like me will understand??? also i was gonig to spray sand paper black as the drive way, becasue i have plenty of big sheets. Or Is This a bad idea? Help please!!! Hope SOME1 READS THIS!... i realy need help with thouse 2 things. Cheers!
  15. haha. Look at the bunny facing backwards...
  16. That Would Be Perfect For My Junkyard. (Seems Like Every1s Making Junkers Now)
  17. You Couldnt Be Botherd Pint reast of building could you? Good Descise. Nah Great Work Mate.
  18. Nice Work, old drunk in coners a great touch.
  19. Nice, i was gonna pic out a few things to metion but... after closer look its all good.
  20. Im Australian. Help!, Is Australia not into cars anymore? there is nowhere (besides Ebay) To find model cars/parts/dioramas/eccessories. I buy my set From A Toys "R" Us. And Even Then they only stock 4-5 cars that people are intrested in, the rest are subarus/mazdas..... Not Good. So i take what what they have. Does Any1 no australian online store, or in Vic??? or even a site that sells to australia... Cheers.
  21. Nudest Beach 2 Ayy.
  22. Sweet, I love the engine draining out.
  23. Thats Some Nice Work.
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