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    Mike Hintz

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  1. Does the AMT 50 Chevy pick up (Texaco version) have the street machine versions lowered suspension included in the box? Thanks for the help.
  2. Thanks foe the help Matt and Dan !!!! Mike
  3. Hi Everyone I'm about to start the Revell Porsche 918. Just after the doors, before the rear deck lid the body widens. On the 1:1 car is this area open or is there a screen??? I look at pics online and its just a black area. If you acn help thanks.... Mike
  4. Looks great Matt!!!! Your on the bench posts is an awesome insight to building this kit. Thanks for the post on the forged carbon fiber also!!!!!!
  5. Not sure where I saw it but the next Tamiya kit is a racing Toyota. One of the proto type / not a street style car.
  6. This may sound strange. Can you post a pic of a packing sponge? I understand the technique . I have never tried it though. Thanks
  7. Thanks for the responses. I to use the back side of a blade on plastic. I ll give it a go and let yall know how it worked out. Thanks again!
  8. Hi everyone. In late July yall helped me with stripping the paint from my diecast. With that now done I was wondering if there is a way to deepen the panel lines? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Thanks for all the advice. I'm glad you told me about the reaction to Purple Power!!! Its what I have on hand and had every intention to use. Strange question. Can I buy paint stripper at Oreilys or Pep Boys? Or do I need to find an auto paint supply store? Thanks again.
  10. Hi Everyone. I bought my first diecast yesterday and I want to paint it a different color. Can the paint be stripped with Purple Power degreaser or pine sol? Will Plasti coat primer work? Then repaint as usual? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. Hi Everyone. I bought my first diecast yesterday and I want to paint it a different color. Can the paint be stripped with Purple Power degreaser or pine sol? Will Plasti coat primer work? Then repaint as usual? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  12. I was happy to see it in my mail box and hope it starts to run smoother for Greg so I can receive future issues. Keep up the good work!!!!
  13. Thanks!!!
  14. Does any body know anything about this kit or have a review? Curbside? Full Detail?
  15. Always wondered how this kit looked built. Nice Job!!!
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