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Everything posted by C.C.RACER

  1. Glenn and Art, thanks for your help. I did win the e-bay car. Glenn your right I missed on id of car I needed you were right. Thanks
  2. Hi guys. Im looking for a lotus 19 slot car body from the 60-70'S. Need to build a static model for a client. Thanks for any help you can give me.
  3. I just had a random test done at work. Nothing showed up so I guess it's ok. Test was done on a Monday after a weekend of building. If something dose show up at lest you have a good excuse. LOL Clay
  4. John, As Peter stated- Hot VW's magizne will have everything you are asking for. I have built a few VW turbo motors. (see avatar) I know the roll bars are a mix of 1 3/4 and 2 inch size tube. There is a web site for (krawell racing) I my have that spelled wrong but the do turbo motors. Also Fisher buggies in Fla is a Pro Mod racer and has a Nasty car. Hope this leads you to the info you need. Clay
  5. Adam and the whole crew. Thanks for a GREAT show and we had a blast. Thanks to who every provided all the raffle prizes. By the way I love the Taymia M23 F-1 kit. And thanks to who ever pull my number for first choice. Cranky it was good to see you and Im going to have to order that book I forgot to pick up befoe we left. Ill PM you later. Looking forward to next year. Clay
  6. Lane, Check your P.m."s sent you s message. By the way are you a ford,chevy or dodge man? Clay
  7. Well I have 33 years in the automotive industry . Presentley work for Merceds Benz as a service advisor. Have done everytime from tire buster,ASE master tech,parts warehouse manager,tire store manager, ect... best job I have is being a good father and partner to my wife of 33 years. She puts up with a lot and has giving me Two "Man Cave's" as a reward. Love this thread as it 's a great way to get to know who you are reading about. Thanks guys and give yourselfs a hand to have made it this far in life.
  8. But did he every sell the car? If so Thats the greatest use carsale ever. LOL
  9. It dose my heart good to "know" there are so many helpful people on this form. Car care is is way beyond the normal car owner that they have to relay on the "pro's" to point out all the service's needed. I want to thank you all as I "know" you all would never mislead anyone. Thank you,Thank you,Thank you. LMAO......................................
  10. May hats off to the Genius that thought that up. Very cool.
  11. Casey, Thank you That looks like it will work.
  12. Thanks Kevin, Im looking for a 4 door. Anybody???????
  13. He lived here and I worked on that a shop in Cape Coral. It was well built and fun to drive. You either loved it or hated it, But you could not miss it. LOL Thats a old schoolthing as it would be hard to pass crash test now with all the gov rules. Got to love the guys that move to a differnt beat and path.
  14. Dose anyone cast a 41 Willis sedan body? If so who and where can I find it. Thanks Guys
  15. My list includes the following. All very good to deal with and Standup Guys.I would trade with any of them. My,Thanks to them. Casey VwDave Dave Midnightprowler CrazyJim Jim RT6PK Jamie Renshag Chris Plowboy Roger carchub Roland Car Crazy81 Rick B.DougBeck Doug
  16. Just AMAZING Details. John you are just too good. Love the info I pull out of watching you build. Thanks for sharing.
  17. Tyrone, Thats a Great build. Your work is top notch. Question on the chutes,what are you using for the parachute cord? Car LOOKS right,nice stance and paint is dead on perfect. Love all the door cars. By the way a good reference mag is "RPM". Just door cars drag and street cars,lots of pics. P/U and Micheals book store. Keepem coming....
  18. Well we could put it in a frame and brake it. Then will it ever stop! LOL
  19. Shucky, I want to be included in the turbo run. I would like to have 10 please. Let me know when you have them done. No hurry,take your time as I also understand how life happens and things have to happen as they need to. Good luck
  20. Jason, Iposted more above for you. Just so its clear this is a model kit build not resin. Thanks for the kind words guys.
  21. Jason, Ill post some more tonight. Glad you like it. It was a project to make it all fit and look right.
  22. Heres the car Jason was asking to be done. My friend gave me the pic and I was ask to see how close I could make it. What do you think.
  23. Randy, As much as I know you want to paint it. I would vote to leave it as is and let all the craftmenships show. When you paint it, it will lose some of its character and that "look". This is of course MHO. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  24. That would be very cool build, Go for it and I have seen some odd engines in race cars. As far as finding a motor I have a 73 Vega mpc kit that came with a 3-4 rotor like in the above post from Scott. Its chrome plated. Hope this helps
  25. Erik, You asked for exhaust details. How about a set of lake pipes with them exiting from the ft fender and sloping back and down. Love it and you have a way with fitting it all togather. Very well done.
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