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Everything posted by FuzionTheAce

  1. Bombs Away!!
  2. Wow!...most excellent!
  3. Love these show rods... excellent job!
  4. Some beautiful builds!!...Just got me one of these kits too.If it's cool guys ...I'm in!!
  5. Just awesome!
  6. excellent work!
  7. Love it!..The Interior lights are awesome!
  8. All Around sweet so far...that color is bea-u-ti-ful !!
  9. She's gonna be a perty one!
  10. I need to build one of these soon.Great Work!Can"t wait to see it finished.
  11. My prayers go out to you and your family.Hope all turns out well.
  12. WOOP WOOP!!!....Nice to see some fam on here!...and great work too!
  13. Awesome,the aging is amazing and the rotted bed is superb.She's seen better days but still is perty!
  14. She's under glass!
  15. Here is the finished 1940 ford panel van(Amt calls it a woody).Anyways here are some photos: In the next 2 pictures.If you look close,you can see the spun aluminum tail tips: My first attempt at recreating faux wood....lol Undercarriage: and finally some of the engine bay details: A few firsts and a ton of fun.overall I'm happy with her. Thx for looking
  16. I was just curious as to what the differences are that categorize an automobile to be either a Woodie or panel or even a delivery for that matter. all thoughts opinions and comments welcome....thx
  17. Almost finished with the interior...I will be posting more pics soon
  18. Ok guys here is a small update for you.... First off some engine detailing pics.My first wiring job .Aluminum air filters.Throttle return spring. Still a few touch-ups needed,but I'm pleased with the overall outcome. In these shots you can see what I've come up with as far as the rims go.I want to blacken the center caps on the rims.In hopes of tying the color scheme together.It's pretty much a rolling chassis. Here is an undercarriage shot.First time trying metalizers with a black wash.I'm very pleased with the outcome. and finally some shots of a mock-up with no hood,before final detailing and assembly. I will update again soon...enjoi!
  19. not a problem...here is alink with all the info.... http://thegreatsmokeymountainsparkway.com/_sevier/ssgshobb.htm
  20. There was a nice little place a few miles from the cabin.In Sevierville I believe.Great Smokies Hobby shop.Had some neat stuff and the shop owner was helpful and polite.If your ever up there check it out...great prices too ....couldnt miss it...the place was huge...unfortunately I didn't get to see the museum itself....next time though
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