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Everything posted by DrewCfromSC

  1. thank you for your reply. Will look for some of the USC Icing.
  2. wonder how it is for resin bodies?
  3. good tip for the humidity. Bought a small ceramic heater and tested it in my booth. Think it might work.
  4. thank you all for the information. Don't know how to reply to individual posts? Got to do a little with create acrylic airbrush paint this weekend. Like the easy clean up and low low fumes. Not much done between rain showers. Did try a chart of booth temp and humidity. any ideas how to lower humidity? Its been about 60% with the rain were getting.
  5. was thinking pf that, also wounder if those thick poster boards would be similar?
  6. first let me say thank you all for the replies. I was really pumped up to get started airbrushing. Thinking with knowledge of painting full sized cars that it would help. Gotta think small now! time this past weekend was a disaster turned learning lesson. Used spray can duplicolor grey primer earlier in the week. Paint day was maybe too cool to started too early at 63 degrees. Sprayed house of kolor orion silver that was ready to spray for an airbrush. It sprayed beautifully at 30psi. Let it sit about an hour and it felt dry. Then topped it with some autoair candy 2.0 blood red, same psi. Wow it was like red chromed finish. It started to wrinkle up so I moved it into the sun, had turned to about 72 degrees now. Photo looks better than actual model. Still had slight wrinkles but figured it was a learning lesson. Cleared with can tamily ts13. It sort of looks like old dried alligator skin now. Guess I need to slow down and allow more time between colors, coats, etc. Did learn to clean my airbrush really well. Getting another donor model ready to try again. Any ideas or any step by step tutorials? thanks!
  7. thank you all for this information. will be testing, learning this weekend.
  8. teaching myself airbrushing. Got some premixed house of kolor basecoat colors, silver and sunset. Any idea what air pressure rang would be good. Paasche gravity feed talon airbrush with .66 tip. Thinking maybe 35psi?
  9. my talon gravity is .38 and my talon siphon feed is .66
  10. been a while since ive posted. I'm looking for a nice under $200 (new or used) airbrush for house of kolors paints. really like my Paasche talon but it cloges up too much when using microflakes and some pearls. I cant get any larger tips or smaller flakes so I'm looking for another airbrush to use. Have a mini HVLP gravity feed paint gun but its too large for doing models. Thanks for the input everyone.
  11. nice stuff, thank you for the lead.
  12. great tips and ideas so far. Don't know how to thank each reply so thank you all so far the advice is great!
  13. thank you for the comments everyone.
  14. hello all, been a while since ive been here. I build mostly and slowly 1980s dirt late model cars. Been wanting to try making mmy own decals as well as scanning some NASCAR kit decals to make some custom decals. What is the scanner, printer that your using? Looking to keep my cost under $150 new or used is fine. Any recommendations? Have clear and white waterslide paper already. Thank you for your help. Drew
  15. anyone have one? Looking for another one now.
  16. great info here everyone! Thank you for your replies. Drew
  17. still looking at my local hobby lobby to get some in stock.
  18. wicked cool build! Love the aggressive treaded tires, did you make them? Incredible detailing too.
  19. entered my first model show yesterday, had fun, entered 5 cars and won two first place trophys. Im new to this showing and wounder if theres guidelines for classes? Like what is considered box stock, open box, competition, etc. This show had 52 different classes and one of my entry to me looked like it fit into several classes? Overheard one contestant say he was moved out of pro street class because of tires. His car had slicks and needed street treaded tires to be in the pro street class. I had a blast and was shocked to win anything, but would like to learn he different terms or classes. Thanks Drew.
  20. any information for a newbie to try a smoothon kit? Interested in trying to replicate 1/24 bodies.
  21. looks really nice. Wheels PPP items?
  22. what type of paint are ou having trouble with? Water base or solvent base? Im new to an airbrush had similar problems and it ws my fault for not reducing paint with the proper reducer and adjusting the pressure to a constant 30psi at the airbrush.
  23. im still new but recommend wicked high performance reducer.
  24. thanks for the info. Did some thinning and think ive got it figured out.........................or not, still trying.
  25. newbie with an airbrush (paasche talon siphon and gravity feed) asking about what to reduce wicked pearls with their high performance reducer. Any mix ratio or eyeball it? So far im guessing and shooting junker bodies for practice. Seems really thick right out of the bottles so im trying about 50/50 mix with 30 psi at the airbrush. What are you trying? Drew
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