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Everything posted by DrewCfromSC

  1. check your local flea markets, thrift stores and antique shops too.
  2. great advice from you all! Got my first of 2 paasche airbrushes today. 1 is on backorder for 2 weeks so im going to use the time to learn on one until the gravity feed airbrush gets here. Got a box of junker bodies and a trip to big lots for nail polish as well as the paint store. Alos got my sata mini hvlp rebuilt in case! Ok its for clear coating. Anyone else? Thanks again! Drew
  3. im a new to airbrusher. Ive got a set of 2 Paasche talons on order now. Ive got some experience using real paint guns on real cars but having trouble with models so far. Cant seem to get it thinned properly yet. Where is a good place to buy paints and supplies from? Any charts to help with reducing correctly? Thanks in advance for your advice! Drew
  4. sheet styrene, i use for sale signs found at any hardware store or check the street corners after Saturdays yard sales in your area.
  5. I have some spazstix in rattle can but not sure about alclad?
  6. the Comet is sealed kit with no barcode. Might be an original issue one?
  7. fantastic details! I have been buying some older kits now since there cheap, but have built much................yet!
  8. while wating for glue to dry on my dragster project decided to gas up my truck. Saw a yardsale, stopped by and bought these. This don't happen often for me!
  9. now that is really cool! Id like to find one to build myself.
  10. your near Ashville right? Isnt there a store called Ashville diecast there? You might have better luck at Smileys flea market near Fletcher. There will be a swap ett Feb 22 in Salisbury that should have some. I build dirt late model stuff and might have something if your looking for anything or need some cheap kits. Drew
  11. Thank you for the info and photos! Saw one at the flea market and im going to buy it if still there for my hauler project. Looks like it might work, or close enough for display. Drew
  12. hello, does anyone have a Hess training van like the motorhome they could measure for me. Thinking maybe 1/25 scale or close? Thanks. Drew
  13. you got me interested with the word "dirt"
  14. really nice looking stuff!
  15. nice to see another dirt track builder here!
  16. sent you a PM about a show this Saturday.
  17. ive never had any email response from them so hopefully you will get a reply. I was saving for one to but will hold of now.
  18. welcome from the midlands. Make sure you look for a SCMA chapter near you. PM sent to you. There is also a model show in Spartanburg this coming Saturday. Drew
  19. started this a while ago got bored and boxed it up. It was a glue bomb so im taking it apart and stretching it out and digging through my parts for inspiration to fit my cars. It will be a 1960s-80s era hauler for my dirt track cars. do you think it looks too long, I know the car shown here is pretty short and a modern day NASCAR fits perfectly.
  20. wow! were the sawblades on sale somewhere? ive been looking for these myself to try out. Drew
  21. great stuff! Thanks for all the ideas. Drew
  22. all I can think of is a pole dancer! LOL! My club is having this as a themed build for the July show. What do you think of as exotic cars? Dusenberg, Cord, Auburn, Maseratti, Porsche? Open for input but might build a pole dancer car for a joke as well! Drew
  23. bought all the reduced to $1.90 spray paint at Hobby Lobby today. 20 cans, nothing else found.
  24. welcome, there are some really talented modelers in the Carolinas. Where are you? im in the Columbia area of South Carolina. theres a show in Spartanburg in a couple of weeks. Might be worth checkin gout if you can. PM me if interested or see the post in the shows category. Drew
  25. thanks for posting! I cant seem to post photos from my website now. Hope to meet some of you there! Drew
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