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Monte's Motors

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Everything posted by Monte's Motors

  1. That's one rough chevy!! Great job!!
  2. Been having trouble myself. It's like I'm blocked. Not happy !!!
  3. We capture alien UFOs and go backwards til we find something we can replicate. LOL Had to
  4. Super Sharp !!!! WOW
  5. Beautiful !!!
  6. Ext is Tamiya TS-75 Champaign gold Int is Testors 1193 Gloss Teal brush paint
  7. Black mold is bad. Wear a mask when cleaning. LOL, sorry couldn't resist.
  8. Gonna make a surf wagon. Started by lengthening the frame. Cut the old running boards out and will be putting on '37 Ford Tudor running boards. Should be same length frame as a hearse. Wheelbase matches Munsters Coach. Will be widening the sides and useing a more gapped wood roof. Surf boards will ride on the roof with matching custom seats. I think I'll use chrome wire wheels with white walls and three carb flathead.
  9. '37 Chopped, sectioned, 302 Mustang engine.
  10. Here's a '32 with Orange Crate body, Ferrari wheels, '37 Ford truck radiator and 7.0 Vette engine. Color is Go Mango.
  11. I like seeing different. If I were to guess the percentage of these cars that are black, I'd say... 70% are black.
  12. Color to paint a '30's Ford, besides black.
  13. WWWOOOWWW !!!!!!! AWESOME...............!!!
  14. I LIKE IT !!!!!!!!!!
  15. Thank you guys. Your being very helpful and myself (being too young) not seeing these cars in their day, I did not know for sure what they ran. To many rods today run new stuff and makes things hard to find what was original "back in the day".
  16. 25 T Chopped top from the two car kit. Comes with the 430 Lincoln, but that's too new for the pre-small block era. I have a Caddy with 4 strombergs being built. What about the chrome reverse wheels? Were they in that era? Baby moons?
  17. I just did some research and found that the flathead Ford started the 50's as the engine to have. Seen a picture of one with a 3-71 blower and what looked like two strombergs on top. The 331 Caddy engine doubled the horsepower of the flathead and I seen pictures of 4 and 6 strombergs on them, even blowers. Didn't see too many fuel injection pictures as streetability must have been bad. The Olds Rocket was seen around the time of the Caddy. Streetability is something affordable and driveable. If your car dies at every other stop light, I don't call that streetable. Affordable would be just using mostly interchangable parts, like Merc cranks. You still can buy the cheaper stuff new. I'm looking to build a model that would be era correct before the small block Chevy came out. Any tips on what other things to use or not to use.
  18. ..... in the '50's era hot rod. Fuel injection OR a blower ?????
  19. The guys at Moebius are PURE GENIUS I tell you. I'd like to see a early '70's Lincoln. Something with hidden headlights.
  20. They said a lot of things right during the sale. That this car was a bigger star than Batman. That George Barris knew what it was worth. This is the car that made me love cars. I couldn't wait to get one these cars to play with. When they came out in 1/25th scale (only scale that counts) I had to get one. Oh them experts saying it was only worth $200,000 ate a full crow dinner today. LOL Mike Joy included
  21. I just couldn't enter after they trash canned so many entries last year.
  22. Our club has meetings every other month. Home base in Decatur, just a short drive south for you.
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