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    derek adams

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  1. heres my revell 49 merc with about 10 coats of clear
  2. i haven't been building long about 3 months or so
  3. well no more tips from me then
  4. went to radio shack bought some 30 gauge wire for about 5 bucks cut how many u need and twist the end. then i super glued the end i let it dry for about 2 hours i drilled out the distributor. i would of drilled out 7 small hole but i messed it up lol then put the wire in each hole or what i did drill a big hole and glue them in i also take the coating off and wrap around a needle and u can make linkage for your carbs hope u guys enjoy this is my first tips on the forum
  5. great build but i have a question how do u get the panel lines like that??
  6. really cool build
  7. just finish up the revell viper acr. enjoy
  8. went to radio shack and got some 30 gauge wire. drilled out the ITB's
  9. hello everyone from the bmw guy.. lol i have been building for about 3 months now. im going to try a lot of new things this time. hope u guys enjoy
  10. derrick teach me lol awesome looks so real
  11. tiltawhirl

    BMW 325i

    now thats a bmw!! i have a 87 m3 in real life but i would of left the left side head light in most e30 owners take out the right side head light is because the airbox is behind it and the wheels are stockers if you had a euro e30
  12. looks good! i like it
  13. cool thank you guys im going to try the sharpie tip first because im broke right now
  14. what would be the best way to paint the black trim on the windows of my dodge challenger i have magic masker but i dont think that will work for what im doing. anyone can tell me a better way plz do lol
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