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    Brendan Adams

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  1. Love it ! Totally looks the part, and a nice change from yet another Cummins.
  2. Thanks for the tip Steve. I’ll have to give that a try…..
  3. Great idea Steve - I hadn’t thought of that. For what it’s worth I’ll try decals first - if they don’t work, no Biggu (see what I did there?) 🤣
  4. I just don’t know if the decals would stick, and if I could kill the carrier film shine with dull coat. I thought a stencil and paint might be more doable. But I’m experimenting - so you’ll see the results here….
  5. And the landing pad assemblies are done. So now comes the assembly of the trailer walls and mounting all the sub-assemblies. I'll post some pictures of that when they're done. I'm using @BK9300 mudflap technique with the thin vinyl and 3D printed hangers - I'm still experimenting how best to put logos on the vinyl ?paint/stencil.
  6. Finishing up the trailer sub-frames and the dolly. Just need to plumb and wire them now.
  7. I'm back at the bench this week so I thought I'd post some more pictures of the AMT doubles build. I never liked the simplified representation of the beams across the bottom - for simplicity AMT left the edge off them (see real trailer below) - so I cut a series of .015 x .125 Evergreen strip to correct it. Just finishing the weathering.
  8. At risk of waxing too philosophical Brian, my submission would be that you are highlighting the difference between an artist and a draftsman. I have always contended that what we do when we build models is create “constrained art”. We decide to accentuate certain things, and omit or modify others. How each of us choose to interpret the raw materials of a kit or scratch built replica is what marks us an artist - and why we love looking at someone else’s work. How did they represent this or that - not whether they succeeded in slavishly reducing the size of a 1:1 object. Your entire project is art, in my view- you have interpreted the real object in a very creative way - I LOVE looking at your updates. Yup - the bumper isn’t dead square - gives the subject character and, as Biggu points out, it can distort that way if stressed in the real beast. My Diamond Reo hood wasn’t quite square to the bumper - which drove me crazy, until I noticed a lot of 1:1 Diamond had exactly that happen over time. So - don’t let it drive you crazy - I think if we could perfectionistically eliminate the least little variation in our work it would render it paradoxically very boring! Keep trucking brother!
  9. This is brilliant work Michael. This is exactly where I’m stuck with my Peterbilt 353 project - I tried a modified styrene hood but it didn’t look any good. I’m trying to work up the courage to make one in brass - but I don’t have any metal-working skills. Did you use a buck to shape it? What gauge brass did you use?
  10. Everyone seems to be talking about something different on this thread🫣. Sorry if I caused the confusion. I thought you were looking for wrecker parts in 1/32. However as Jurgen points out - you can print in any scale - these are actually 1/25 as published - and could be printed 100% for 1/25. I was just enquiring if these were the sorts of parts you were looking for. If they are - they are available on Cults. If not - no worries - just ignore. And yes - this is a great build! Nicely done.
  11. I love this build Hessel. Which Italeri kit did you use as a donor?
  12. Hey Scott - sorry I’m not up on my wrecker types. Would either of these function for your needs? Holmes 550 I believe. They could be printed in 1/32.
  13. Hakan, I just have to say your knowledge base is amazing. Every time you post I learn something new. Thank you!
  14. And speaking of trucks that look like motels - did you see Alfa Centauri has a new hi-rise Kenworth out on Cults?
  15. Nicely restored. I, too, love the trailer, and would like more details on the ‘how’. Congrats!
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