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Everything posted by 01blueedge

  1. Yea I was going for the patina look like someone had found the truck and did the interior and under the hood but left the body as is. I also added the freshly painted grill and bumpers and wheels just to make it look like they had done some work to it.
  2. Started up a new project mobius 65 service truck. I'm building it pretty much box stock just weathered.
  3. Great job I need to pick one of these kits up
  4. Great job on this I like the color combo
  5. Finished this one up today pretty much box stock other than a little bit of lowering and weathering
  6. Great job on this one. I just started the 65 service body myself
  7. Nice I'm doing one like this also when I get a few other projects finished
  8. B-n-lresins.com makes the tanks weights and other pulling parts. Nice job so far I just started a 70s ford puller myself
  9. Great job on it so far. This is one of my favorite body styles. I can't wait to see more progress
  10. From what I have read they where all aftermarket. I think some of them where chevy
  11. There was never a stock dually bed made all the dually where cab and chassis
  12. He is in the process of mastering a super cab and it should be available soon
  13. 24+6 shipping on the cab. He is still in the process of making interior and other parts I'm not sure what the price on that would be
  14. A guy on one of the Facebook pages is making crew cabs and corrected long beds for the 73-79 trucks. The Facebook page is 1973-1979 ford pickup scale replica group. Here's a pic of the cab and bed side
  15. Here's my latest wip its a 75 ford on tractor tires. I am using the resin tractor tires and unimog axles from bnlresins. Heres what I have so far
  16. I think there would be some interest in the 78 custom grille I wouldn't mind having one
  17. Nice start what tires ate you using
  18. I like the courier great job on both
  19. There's a guy on some of the face book pages making the 73-75 and 76-77 grilles for these trucks
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