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Everything posted by 01blueedge

  1. looks good I like how you added the 4wd to it
  2. great job on the lightning it looks good
  3. nice i like the weathering and the rack
  4. The release was bumped back to Feb
  5. Everything from the usa-1 kit except the body and interior and I used the 72 Chevy long bed body and interior
  6. Dieseldawg I have built the 70 bodied truck also I think I have it posted on here somewhere also
  7. here is my USA-1 monster truck i just finished up
  8. this is gonna be a cool project I have always wanted to build one of these
  9. has anyone heard anything else about it he will be reopening or what happened to him. with the new firestone 78 ford coming out it would be nice to get some of the parts that he cast for them
  10. what happened to the pics I saw them earlier on my phone now i am on my computer so i can see them bigger and there gone
  11. i think that one was 2wd but I am not 100% sure on that. I think the only 4wd version was the firestone release which round2 is about to rerelease in Jan
  12. mine was resin but you can make one by using 2 cabs and putting them together its alot of sanding a filling though
  13. I know it would be a lot but the lindberg dodge raminator ramunition and the weird oh monster trucks are the only newer dodge truck kits i know of you might could fill the wheel wells in and use one of those
  14. nice build its always nice to see these 73-79 pickups lifted
  15. Great job on the conversion/restoration
  16. cant wait for the mud terrains I will have to pick up a few sets. any chance that you would be able to make and swampers in smaller sizes like maybe a 35in bogger or TSL swamper
  17. not sure yet i have a 360 out of a fairlane i was thinking about going with to keep everything under the hood but i might go with something else
  18. Thanks I am not sure where the tires came from. I think maybe a toy but not 100% sure I got them in a trade
  19. Its a pretty good kit the different kits have different options like one has the newer interior. I built one back when they first came out box stock and it went together pretty good. This one is a junker I picked up and rebuilding it.
  20. Here is what I am working on right now its a 93 ranger on steroids I guess you could say. I am not sure if I want to build it like a what if 90s bigfoot ranger or go a different direction with it. I got the idea from the miss bigfoot/bigfoot ranger when i found the tires that looked like the ones that where on the bigfoot ranger. here is what i have so far not much but I have the suspension mounted and started working on the motor but I dont have any pics of the motor yet
  21. cool looking build on something you dont see often
  22. i am glad they are finally putting this kit back out i will have to pick up a few more
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