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    Jim Baker

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  1. I like HPIguys workshop because he builds the new releases. Even though he builds out of the box he does a decent job, and it gives me an opportunity to see the build and any problems that may occur. Given the average cost of the kits these days it often times helps me decide if I want to spend $30 - $40 on a kit.
  2. Beautiful!
  3. Finally arrived in Minnesota.
  4. Still waiting in Minnesota.
  5. Nothing in Minnesota either.
  6. Any word if issue #222 has been shipped yet?
  7. WOW!!!!!!
  8. I'm will try the 75 Laguna for comparison. Still hoping someone will be able to locate the article in question. I believe the author was building Donnie Alisons Blue/Gold #88 Chevelle / Malibu. I had saved a copy of the article for future reference but apparently misplaced it in a recent move.
  9. Thank you for the help. Unfortunately, I'm retired and have a limited budget, so resin replacement bodies are not an option at this time. Besides having to explain to the Boss why there is an unknown package mixed in with her Amazon packages. Lol!!!! In the article you provided, the rear wheel opening was handled in the same manner as the article I'm looking for but the front wheel well was different. The article I'm referring to the front wheel well was done in a similar manner as the rear. however I don't recall if the opening was sectioned at the rear and moved forward, front and moved back or sectioned front and back moving in ward.
  10. I'm referring to the large wheel well opening. Sorry for the confusion.
  11. I recall an article regarding how to correct the large wheel opening in the AMT 73/74 Malibu stock car, possibly in Scale Auto Magazine. Does anyone have that article they can share or at least the dimensions on the cut out to reduce the opening?
  12. Awsome!!!
  13. Arrived in Minnesota yesturday.
  14. Beautiful Job!!! I have the same kit and decals, Just hope I can do a decent job half as good as yours. What paint brand/colors did you use?
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