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About gunner

  • Birthday 04/23/1962

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  • Scale I Build

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  • Full Name
    Sean Gavin

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  1. This is from my McLaren M8D
  2. Here is my daily driver, I've had it for a yr now and still love it 2011 Nissan Juke
  3. Some more pics of my work. Thanks for looking.
  4. It is upgraded version of this kit. They just add some P/E to the kit. I just got my 3rd P/E kit and I can not wait to get as it has all the doors and hatches plus lots of other parts that the other 2 kits didn't have. This is the kit I have ordered. http://www.luckymodel.com/scale.aspx?item_no=KAM-MS-35008
  5. Some more pics of recent work, lots of small stuff. I just ordered my 3RD photo etch set for this ship.
  6. I recently moved into my house and still trying to get it organized.
  7. Hi again, sorry for such a long delay but I have been busy moving and dealing with life in general. I have had some time to work on this and have a few extra pics to show, as always Thanks for looking and feel free to critique. This shows some small parts like ammo lockers and deck lights plus an early version of my ships bell, a bit big there http:// This shows that modified bulkhead in place with the bell This is the flight deck with scratch made bollards and hatches plus the 02 lvl in the background. I've striped all detail off the 02 lvl as it looked pretty bad IMO. My modified stacks with scratch steps and lights plus a new rear door.
  8. WOW!!!! Simply stunning work, you really know your subject and can bring them to life. What did you use for the 40mm rounds in that one display? Was the gun a scratch build also?
  9. I got mine from Micro Mark but they were not called Tadpole Sanders, handy things to have for sure.
  10. It seems like that in order for the American companies to make something interesting they have to go "Retro" or back to the muscles cars. I think that the "foreign" makers (if there is such a thing today) have much more style. I drive a 2011 Nissan Juke and love it, lots of style ( you either like it or not) and fun to drive. Seeing all the oddball cars on here is fantastic and I hope it never ends
  11. Interesting build, I drove one for 6yrs and have looked for a model for a long time. Where did you get yours and how is the quality? Keep up the great work and I'll be following this one.
  12. Fantastic work! Where do you get the gauge images for the decals?
  13. I sure love F-1 and enjoyed the burning eyes as I looked at your build I have a Tamiya Type 79 in my stash pile waiting for my other projects to get done (2 planes and a ship) I have the P/E for this kit and look forward to building it. Was there any issues with the kit as it went together?
  14. Interesting build, looks good so far. Where did you get the engine from?
  15. WOW, very cool builds! Where do you get these?
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