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Everything posted by Lunajammer

  1. Fortunately he left behind many instructional videos demonstrating not only correct techniques but his amazing craftsmanship. He was very articulate. An amazing life. RIP 😢
  2. I've always wanted to take this Terminator and scale up the pieces to make a large, possibly life sized prop. But... well... umm... yeah. 😐
  3. This makes me sad too, but the ship was lost many years ago. Much too far gone and too late to salvage. The interior is so thoroughly gutted that she's only a shell. She's no time capsule like some derelict cruisers are. At this point "benefiting the environment" is the easy out. Until recently, I didn't even know it was still around.
  4. First ARCA race I've watched in years, but a kid from town here, Bryce Haugeberg, raced so I had to see. Glad I did. I got to see the birth of new media sensation Cletus McFarland and see the kid finish tight among the last cars running. How he got our college to sponsor him beats me, but it was a nice looking ride.
  5. Quite an ambitious project but it turned out good. Thanks for sharing.
  6. This is brilliant and totally new to me. Dying to try it. But it also reminds me of watching a video of Gene Winfield do leading. Looks easy in the hands of a master but I could see a potentially aggravating learning curve. No guts no glory, eh?
  7. I guess that's what it would take to make the Rainbow conventional, but it's got such great (and really dated) geek appeal that I want to build it more now than when I started this thread 12-years ago. Like the Cybertruck, it's a head scratcher, but in my book anything different is good.
  8. Wonderful nostalgia here. I suppose it's pretty unlikely you still have the drawing. That would've been a treat to see paired here.
  9. I will say, it smacks a little of promo photo. Lots of art supplies but no model supplies
  10. On my FB feeds today. I tried to find the famous modelers thread on this forum and just add this there but various search efforts failed to find it. I'm sure someone here has it bookmarked. "Actor Peter Cushing demonstrates his hobby of making model aircraft at his home in Whitstable, UK, February 1959."
  11. Bravo!!! 👏. First class stuff right there.
  12. This is quite lovely. It's gonna finish great. Eldorado seats?
  13. This is an inspiring restoration. Keep it going. A huge hood scoop? I dunno man, sure kills the cool.
  14. I always wondered why so many coffee kiosks stocked model paint stir sticks. 🤔
  15. If tariffs, shipping, or industrial ransom makes kit prices prohibitive and considering the size of many individual stashes and ages of the holders, I'd say the secondary market could become a primary market (for committed hobbyists anyway). Swap meets, toy and model shows, flea markets etc. are still and always will be the places to get the most reasonably priced kits... if you're willing to make the drive.
  16. I use a tiny dab of super glue on bamboo skewers. Obviously on an unimportant spot.
  17. 258 parts… mmm-Kay.
  18. It's imperative that I do a follow up here nearly a year later. This sat in my hot/cold attic since last March. Throughout, I checked the paint and it remained soft enough to dent with a fingernail, even up to today, but less so than a year ago. I decided to go ahead and sand/polish anyway and I was astonished to get what is probably one of the best glossy finishes I've ever achieved. Possibly because it was not rock hard, the sandpaper cut it easily and polish smoothed it evenly. After light sanding, each area got a vigorous rub only twice over and this was my result 😃. I don't know what to think about this anymore.
  19. Always interesting to see what non-mainstream models you'll show us next. Looks great, thanks for sharing.
  20. What an awesome piece. Nice work.
  21. Looks like you caught a little grace from that radiused rear fender. That's the trouble spot that scares people away but to my eye this '51 has a little built in forgiveness to help smooth out without getting into a lot of body work.
  22. Regrettably, precious little. In primer, with the bodywork hidden, it does get a little more interesting. Your sectioning REALLY looks good on your '51 Bel Air. Proportionally much more compelling in my opinion. S-s-s-six years?! Geez time speeds up with age. I thought maybe just a couple winters ago. Still think so? Heh, yeah, definitely. Especially mid-rift back. I still think I could take a quarter inch off that derrière and nobody would miss it.
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