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Everything posted by bsoder

  1. But the original had so much "character" LOLOL!..beautiful job man, hard to believe it could look that good
  2. Great patina Chuck!..I like it.. B)
  3. She's a beauty!!..would make a good "real or model" shot B)
  4. I really like the GT's in the Gulf scheme...looks pretty good on Mercedes too!
  5. Man what a GREAT lookin' build!..EXCELLENT B)
  6. WOW Pete that is a lean mean machine!...beautiful job, that color looks great B)
  7. bsoder

    62 Impala

    That is a sweet lookin' Imp!!
  8. bsoder

    B.A.T. 5

    Hey better than my year of not building anything!...that is really cool!..never seen one before B)
  9. Very Cooool !! B)
  10. bsoder

    59 caddy

    Looks like a lotta BMF..and an outstanding job applying it!...just a great looking build all around B)
  11. NIIIICE...looks showroom fresh
  12. B) B) B) ...Love those Willy's!
  13. Now that would be the way to show up at the lake!..great pair B)
  14. Well I remember back to when you built most of these!..and they still look mighty fine..man I think that was over on another site oh and the SF...haven't been there in awhile
  15. My 1st new car was a '75 Monza with a 350 making a whopping 135 hp!!..here's a build I did replicating my car built from an old AMT kit
  16. Well I like it a lot!..very cool, and welcome to MCM.. B)
  17. Well that is unusual...in a really good way!! nice weathering work on both B)
  18. Waaaay..coool!!..thought the color combo was a little odd at first, but the more I looked the more I thought how well it works..beautiful job man.. B)
  19. WOW!!...viable??..who freakin' cares, it looks ubercool! a BEAUTY!! B)
  20. I know stepping out of the "comfort zone" can be a little intimidating, but your efforts really paid off! looks fantastic B)
  21. Very Nice!! B)
  22. Pretty cool video, and a great job with replicating the car it looks pretty darn close! B)
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