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Nick F40

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About Nick F40

  • Birthday 01/16/1991

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  • Scale I Build
    1/24 and 1/25

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. I'll go electric or hybrid when these guys go electric or hybrid ?
  2. Nick it's great hear from you. I am still building but I have been pretty sick the last couple of years. I don't get as much done. I don't get to the meetings that often. I am glad to hear your dad is building. You guys should come to our meetings at the Mechanicsburg Library at 10:00 on the third Saturday of every month. Bill Geary started it.  My builds are on the forum. Got some very good Beemax kits of the Group B rally cars. Check out this video on those cars.

    To fast to race.

    I got these two




  3. Hey Bill! Yeah, we definetly plan to go to to the philly nnl and nnl east this year along with coming back to the club again.
  4. This would have been awesome using clear parts on the real car. I love this, one of my favorite F1 designs
  5. New member here, well, does coming back count? So it's been 5+ years since I was last here or built anything and just had the urge to get back into it and glad to be back! Hopefully I didn't lose all my skills or sanity. Lots of new names I see which is awesome. Where's the OG's at? I feel like some shenanigans coming again haha
  6. My minitrucker inside me is loving this, can't wait to see this finished. The fab work is so rad! Reminds me of one I saw built for LST this year.
  7. Ok, i'm jealous...i'd love o be able to move to Japan right now
  8. I've seen many 1:1's with the rocket bunny kits but BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH is this sweet, love your work!
  9. my favorite gens of EVO's in my favorite color with Work wheels? yeah, perfect!
  10. always been and always will be, Ferrari F40....not even a slightest doubt
  11. Some of you may know (for those who know me) my opinions on all these, ever since Speedvision died, so i'm not gonna start up again but I knew this would happen.....I knew it about 5 years ago that Speed would turn into this. I find it funny though how ESPN is making a motorsport comeback and in all honesty, i'm fine with that. NBC coverage of F1 is good but no real difference in my opinion than Fox's coverage. It's not about "racing" anymore, it's about money, media, and entertainment. That's why, in my opinion, the only real racing is the Grand Am series, and mainly, the Continental Series. It's what ALMS should be and hopefully with this unification coming next year maybe we can see the IMSA years back with GTP/GTO/GTU/GTS, that would be perfect. I love Velocity, (which all the racing should go to that channel) their rally coverage is great and wheeler dealers has to be my favorite show other than top gear, Mike and Ed are a hoot to watch and they show real builds for real profits.
  12. Still one of my favorites from that era, awesome work so far!
  13. Now this i'll be following! I've seen a few Corolla's with 1J's run before.....yup, insane.
  14. I love this, i'm picturing it now in the magazine lol
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