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Everything posted by Tim08

  1. Looks good Gary, I like the under hood job, and the cupcake backdrop☺️
  2. Thanx, A 340 would probably fit and be better on gas but I was thinking of adding an extra tank in the trunk, 70s vintage of course🙂
  3. Great job so far fellas. The boys brought me this 68 Dart So I figured a 440 maagnum woul fit just fine in this puppy
  4. Wretched Backbirth
  5. Yes, as long as the tire is treet legal, but the wheels must be or resemble 1975 or earlier period correct
  6. I'll go with this 68 dart. Gonna go with the 440 and try to keep it on the sleeper, grocery getter side.
  7. I like this, gives us more options to choose from.
  8. Congratulations Anton. Very nice work!
  9. 75 Gremmy with a 2010 camaro interior and engine. Exhaust from a pickup. Headlites from uv resin.Great job everyone!
  10. Ok done, struggled alot with this one. The chassis went together real nice, modified the exhaust, Think it came from a pickup kit, and detailed as much as I could. Painted it with tamiya metallic orange but totally failed on this body, so got onother kit and went with mica red I wanted to compare it with testors firey orange just to see the diff.Flakes are alot smaller in person with the tamiya , I like it. Too bad I ruined it. Well, here she is done int the mica red. Chrome is bare metal and revelle chrome. Got a 2010 camaro interior and engine. Alot of cutting on this one. The fuzz on the glass is the pesky flocking
  11. Builds are lookinkg good all. This is the last pic I took of the gremmy in march. Since then started messin with magnets for hood hinges. Great idea from Steve Guthmiller and a few others on here. Then got sidetracked with making copys of tires and other stuff with resin. And been buisy with homelife. Worked on the hood to get it to fit better. Slapped a sliver of evergreen in the gap to make it fit. Hope to get paint on before the weather starts to get crappy.
  12. This turned out very cool. I just ordered the drag boat kit from watching your build. Very nice build sir!
  13. We were total, just south of dayton oh. Tried to get pics but at the last few seconds my camera started going in and out of focus. ?Got a few decent pics anyway
  14. Looking good Gary! Some really nice builds going on here for sure. Got the Camaro interior and engine stuffed in the Gremlin. Have a few sets of these tricks laying around thought I'd go with them. Just looks right to me on this car. Gotta still do some touch up on the engine but it fit perfect.
  15. My dad always told me... "Drive it till the wheels fall off"...Well, They haven't fell off!
  16. What is the vinyl dye? Looks good.
  17. My boss gave me a pair of readers years ago and now I cant build without them. I think I know what direction I'm gonna go with my Opel kit now. That's a sharp little ride!
  18. Yea that was TMM John. I remember Bobby dropped off and you took over. Man that was a fun site! I believe facebook really shot it down sadly. I remember coming back to it a few years back and we tried to fire things back up but it really didn't catch on. Them were some good times back in the day. That is my Vette on the Header. As matter of fact, I was the last one to post over there. I do stop in from time to time just to see how many folks pass thru.
  19. Good job John! I did that build back in 2011 or 12 over on the Mad Modeller site. Was a lot of fun.
  20. Lol, it would be a cool radwood scheme though.
  21. Nice looking Challenger!
  22. Sat that beautiful engine in to see what I got before I tear it apart. Gonna have to lower that cross member a bit so I can get the stock hood to fit, I want to make it look stock as possible not to attract attention
  23. Tim08

    69 z-28

    Thanks everybody! It was challenging several times but I finally got it done.
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