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MCM Regular (3/6)

  1. :shock: 8) thats great, Carl! being a lineman my self, in dayton,ohio. its nice to see someone that appreciates what we do! ! thnx! an keep up the good work! 8)
  2. nice start! dig the color, keep us updated
  3. once again, thanks guys for all the help! ill let you know how it turns out. thnx chris
  4. ok guys last time you all gave me great tips & tricks about airbrushing. but, now i have a new problem!! i messed up real bad on my last paint job, i've tryed to sand an repair, but i keep makin it worse! so ....what should i use to strip it all off so i can start from scratch. and how should i go a bought it? thnx for any help....chris p.s im real glad i found this forum . im all ready buildin better then i ever have! thank to everyone for all the help!
  5. looks great bud! just finished same kit myself, whet the custom route though. keep the updates comin ! 8)
  6. motor all but wired. :wink:
  7. the wheels came from a revell 76 monti carlo kit.
  8. started out red with blk top, changed my mind.. got a little buffin to do. lowered a little bit.. 8)
  9. this was the yankee challenger kit by amt, done my way.not the best but im gettin better. i hope! hope u like! yea i know i forgot to piant the back side of the front bumper!
  10. nice color ..should look great when done!
  11. got it in mock up. changed the motor a little bit, tunnelran an v-stacks didnt look right. 8)
  12. nice work randy...its kinda odd that i picked up the last 2 landy darts at the hobby shop monday. R.I.P DICK LANDY!!
  13. LOL!!!!!!!was the babys room...but i kicked the kid out!!!!lol
  14. motor is gettin there 8)
  15. i thimk im gettin this good paint job stuff down?!! silver base coat,candy apple red on top. goin with big horse power 440, v-stacks painted boby color. 8)
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