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Everything posted by Ry4ns302

  1. This is a AMT '49 Ford Kit with parts from other kits. I haven't built anything with aftermarket parts yet, but am looking to do one next. I was watching the live feed of Drag Week '13 on youtube and wanted to build a Big Block Power Adder contender. I didn't know how to maximize lighting but I figured daylight was a good start. So I took the pictures outside, on the first thing I saw when I opened the door...my 1:1 toy. I hope you enjoy it:
  2. I'd love to build a drag radial foxbody! Would you have any idea where I can get my hands on a cowl hood? I have an '84 1:1 that I've been looking to build a replica for some time. I've been hoarding the '83 convertible kits, but I can't find a cowl hood or ET Streets, I don't have facebook, but I'd love to get in on the lx race car thing.
  3. nice job man! hood looks sick!
  4. I personally am a foxbody guy. With that being said, I've seen some pretty quick "street cars"..on the street. I've been known to carry a jug of vht in the trunk..you know, just in case! . Of all the foxbody hustles I've seen, this one is my favorite, I'm just glad I never came across it.
  5. Awesome! The guys that built my 1:1 toy have one remarkably close to that! Check out mouth racing.com for more pics if interested
  6. This was my First car! It had a PIG 307-Y block and couldnt get out of its own way. I later put on fresh paint, did the chrome, zebra carpets...the whole nine. I had 2 15" Kicker L7's, the car was in db Drags. It was stolen... But I'd love to build one. I ha
  7. Lol, I thought it was a legit question from the thread title, I was gettin ready to be a smarta** and reply to "What makes a car..." with: Really deep pockets, or one hell of a sponsor.
  8. So he's got a thing for bigblocks already! I hope he gets a good job...
  9. Did yo see what the other two kits were selling for.....whoa
  10. i think it came out great! On a side not:I just thought about it yesterday...I've never seen a lowrider model up on 3 wheels, and started elanorating to myself the additional detail of it all. It was fun to think about, and I just saw your avatar! Sick man!
  11. AMT 57 Corvette Street Machine with a 98 Indy Pace Car Powertrain/Interior.
  12. Big Money in those models, great job
  13. That thing just made me wanna build a dually!
  14. Model looks great! HUGE fan of NRE...I think the best engine builder in the world right now-Dreaming of one of these:http://www.nelsonracingengines.com/pricesheets/ford/racegas/tt/ws_454sbf_tt.pdf -in my Foxbody,a boy can dream
  15. I am acually using the entire chassis/interior mold from the pace car, I figured it would make the driveline an easier fit. Well the driveline fits good, but I had to "fabricate" (Hack out with dremel) about half of the underbody/frame/interior mold. I want to use the pace car seats but it won't line up with the center peice between the seats, I'll figure it out
  16. I don't know how to take that "line" running through the fender where the molds meet out, without ruining the finish on the paint.
  17. Sure, I have a few, its a Ricky Smith Pro Stock-converted to Budget Pro Street, almost done with it: Kept the Hood white, to look like the unpainted fiberglass hoods that guys leave on...plan on adding a big cowl to it.
  18. The wear on it is great fade!
  19. Building my first "pro touring"-type model. A 57 Corvette street Machine and a '98 Indy Pace Car is what I'm using. Trying to figure out which way to go with interior. Got the stance and the drivetrain done so far, I'll add a turbo next: Big Block )a litle too big...just means a custim hood cutout
  20. This is a great event! Unfortunately my model will have to be in somewhere around the 3rd week of december seeing as how "the end" is before the end of this event....
  21. I like this idea! How do you stick the rubbber to the quarter afer you collect it? Or do you do the burnout in the wheel-well?
  22. Hah, thats pretty good, got any pics? That's an expensive method, unless the rubber is there anyway. I'm just about done with a thunderbird street car and it came out pretty well so I figured I'd push the envelope.
  23. Found one examplehttp://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=41529&hl=rubber&fromsearch=1 I'll try it and see how it goes
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