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  • Scale I Build
    1:25, 1:24

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    Steve Wilson

cortinanut's Achievements

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MCM Friend (4/6)

  1. Just saw this aging thread. Also check out Carolina Kustom Modelers. They do a nice show in Clemmons in August.
  2. What an outstanding build! Beautifully done and skillfully photographed--thank you for sharing!
  3. Height looks right to me, if you're doing the car stock. (I'm a Miata owner since 1995.) I'm curious how your seats will turn out--as shown in the pic they have a sheen much like vinyl, which would not be correct for an early Miata. The "black" interior came only with cloth seats, in reality a very dark gray that tends to fade over time with sun exposure.
  4. Check that ride height before you change anything--I think it may be the Revell kit that sits wrong. I built the Tamiya kit many years ago and do not recall a problem.
  5. Love 'em both! We had a blue '66 when I was growing up, so I'm very partial to those. Come on, Revell, make us a kit--I'll take any year from '64 to '72!
  6. '68 Cougar and '70 Estate Wagon!
  7. I'm coming, although empty-handed. Nothing finished lately of contest quality. But I can't wait to see the sights and check out what the vendors have!
  8. Gorgeous! That paint looks a foot deep.
  9. When I was growing up, our paper delivery guy made his rounds in a Scooter--gray, I think, with no back seat. It seemed tailor made for such duty. Wonder how long it held up.
  10. Absolutely stunning!
  11. Great to see such a modest kit brought up to such a standard. Fantastic work!
  12. Very sharp! Great color choice, and it's especially nice to see this built up stock.
  13. Gorgeous! I love any '61-'64 Pontiac, and this one has real class.
  14. Really sharp! Nice choice on the MS3, too.
  15. So nice! Great color choice, too--might not have been popular on dealer lots, but it makes a great looking model.
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