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Harry P.

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Everything posted by Harry P.

  1. Just one more...
  2. Nope. I start just as I would if I was using a "real" airbrush...by laying down the basic blocks or areas of color, building shadows and hilights over that, then adding smaller details, etc. Instead of masking areas by cutting the shape out of frisket with an xacto, I "mask" the area I'm working on by defining the shape I want with the various PS tools, like the "lasso", the ellipse (circle) tool, etc. Then I fill in the colors in that area using the airbrush, the paint bucket, the brush...whatever tool works best for the effect I'm after, and then I move on to the next area, etc. I use the various Photoshop tools in different combinations to get the effect I want, but basically I'm "painting" electronically. It sounds complicated, but once you get used to the process it's actually easier than painting with "real" paints and airbrush...because I spend no time cleaning the airbrush, or mixing paint, or fixing areas where the paint bled under the frisket, or trying to figure out how to remove that blob of paint the airbrush just spattered onto my work, or...well, you get the idea!
  3. These are all drawn (painted?) digitally in Photoshop. I use a photo as a reference, but sometimes I change things around to suit me (different wheels, different colors, etc.). The Firepower, for example, has Corvette wheels! The originals are 12x18, created at 300 dpi (print resolution). Back in the "old days" I did it all with an airbrush on illustration board (how crude! ) , but I made the switch to Photoshop years ago. Now I never run out of "paint", I have an unlimited color palette, and my airbrush never clogs! When I was using an airbrush I painted with acrylics, and I swear I spent more time unclogging my airbrush than painting! And yes, I do illustration for a living...I'm a graphic artist/designer. But these car illustrations are just for my own enjoyment.
  4. Thanks, B! Yeah, I've been checking out a few new places...
  5. There are a couple here that are pretty close...but not an exact match. http://www.pegasushobbies.com/rims.htm http://www.hoppinhydros.com/
  6. Very nice work. Exceptionally nice paint. Great detailing. You're a very talented guy, Mr. O!
  7. Here are 2 of mine...both are the reissued Big T. And a "low budget" version...
  8. Thanks! Here's a couple more...
  9. Nice custom work...I like it. And I see you're quite the craftsman!
  10. Not a fan of this type of car in the "real world", but your models could make me change my mind! They're really wel done...not too over-the-top. Overall, a couple of the nicer tuner models I've seen in quite a while. Great job! :mrgreen:
  11. Thanks, Bill! Coming from a guy with your level of talent, that means a lot!
  12. Coronet pro street kit built right out of the box. The "vinyl" roof is nothing more than good old Testor's flat black sprayed from a distance to get the vinyl-like texture. Looks like I forgot the outside rearview mirror on this one. I wonder how that happened??? :oops:
  13. Here's the AMT Cameo. I opened up the grille, added wheels/tires from an old Monogram IMSA Mustang racer kit and made a tonneau cover from sheet styrene.
  14. Three of my Impalas...
  15. Thanks, Steve!
  16. All 1/9 scale...Imex, Protar, etc.
  17. First day here...and this is my second post :!: It's the Monogram Big T reissue, built as a bargain-basement rod. This guy didn't have any money for paint or chrome...he spent it all on the engine!
  18. Hey there...first time poster! Here are a few of my illustrations...hope you like 'em!
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