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Silver Foxx

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  • Scale I Build

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  • Full Name
    Bruce Scully

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. This is a top class build , well done .
  2. A really nice looking build , well done .
  3. Another one of your top class builds , You do really nice work .
  4. Another one of your great builds , you do nice work .
  5. Nice to see one built , a great looking build , I like it .
  6. A lot of really nice work and detail in this , looks great .
  7. A really nice looking build , well done .
  8. A lot of real nice work in this , looks great .
  9. Thanks for the nice comments , it is the 1/24 Tamiya kit . I meant to put it in the Le Mans section but I stuffed up .
  10. A really nice build , great colour .
  11. Thanks for the nice comments guys . The paint coverage was fine , it covered good , but I feel you need a base coat so that is why I used Tamiya Silver .
  12. Sorry , I meant to put this in the Le Mans part , somehow I messed up .
  13. An Australian entry for 1984 race . Driven by Peter Brock and Larry Perkins . DMC Decals .
  14. This is a magnificent build , you do top class work .
  15. Monogram Callaway Corvette Speedster , paint is Tamiya Pearl Blue ( ts89 ) over silver .
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