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About JohnU

  • Birthday 05/21/1959

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  • Full Name
    John Urminski

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  1. Enamel. Great! I thought as much but but wanted some verification. Thanks!
  2. Inherited my dad’s paint collection. These Flo-paque paints are in good condition and I’d like to use them but I’m not sure if they’re lacquer, enamel or acrylic. Probably not acrylic because they smell like the Testors square bottle paints and the label says it contains xylene so, there’s that. I’m wondering what to thin them with, if at all for airbrushing and any compatibility issues with Modem Master enamels. I know google is my friend but, not in this case.
  3. Makes sense. As a tool and die maker, off cuts of steel material returned to the shelves are marked by size and type so it can be quickly identified in our shop. No reason this can’t translate to the hobby shop.
  4. Quick Shine, a rudimentary internet search appears to be an acrylic polymer. Same as Future I would think.
  5. ?This picture was taken spur of the moment from my drivers side window when it passed. I’m sitting at a red light on a divided road with a median strip. The one way sign is for the side I was on. I had to move quick otherwise loose the shot and had no time to square up the camera! But yeah, I guess it is definitely an interesting presentation! Here’s another view
  6. My next build inspiration
  7. Answered the survey three times! Will this skew the results? It keeps showing up every time I log on! I’m assuming it’s not “taking”!
  8. Bass wood for sure and you could stain it with shoe polish like my late dad used to do on his wood carvings
  9. These used car prices are getting outrageous!
  10. Sounds like a torn meniscus. Had that happen to me. After some arthroscopic surgery and five to six weeks of therapy, was right as rain.
  11. Thanks! I made that same observation myself awhile back, even suggested a separate section for all those obits that loaded up in here and got stepped on! Glad to see I’m not the only one with an opinion about it!
  12. Just to update. It finally did get delivered on May 10. Funny thing is the tracking info changed too! Very odd!
  13. Here’s an interesting eBay tracking update! Never seen this before! Hope it shows up someday!?
  14. Yup. Drugs will do that to ya!
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