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About Daniej01

  • Birthday March 1

Previous Fields

  • Scale I Build
    1:24/ 1/25

Profile Information

  • Full Name
    Jamie Daniels

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MCM Regular

MCM Regular (3/6)

  1. Most def. will test first. Hate to ruin a perfectly good window. I will test it out and post the results
  2. Have you ever tried VHT Night Shades? It's at auto part stores for about $12. I used it to smoke out my tail lights on my 1:1 avalanche. Works really well. You wet sand the clear glass with 2000 or finer. Clean really well then spray it on. I'm going to try it on my next build
  3. I found that old Ethernet cables have good size wires for plug wires in a few colors.
  4. The struts I made from round tubing an paper clips. Thanks everyone
  5. I'm not sure. This is only the second year they have it.
  6. Does anyone know when they are going to show the results on the show?
  7. I just used my camera phone and sun light with a white background. You don't have to have a studio or an expensive camera to take good pics. Just need good lighting at the right time of day. The golden hour. Early in the day and later in the day, when the sun isn't so bright. Take lots of pics and choose the best of the bunch.
  8. That's my thought exactly on if it even went threw. Cuz I didn't get a confirmation email. So it is what it is.
  9. Thanks. Guess not enough color for the judges. But I had fun building it.
  10. Congrats to the winners. This was my first time entering anything. I didn't even know about the contest until about mid April. About the same time I started getting back int the hobby. didn't have a lot of time to get I done but I was very pleased with the results. I know I have posted them here before
  11. lol I just got it today at hobby lobby.
  12. I was wondering if anyone has built this model. If so what are your thoughts? Would like to see some pics if so.
  13. Got a rolling chassis and body painted today. Took it to work to paint it. Lol (slow day). Thanks for looking
  14. Well this is the first time I tried hinges. Was a slow going and a lot of trial and error. For me at least. I just used stock tubing and paper clips. There are a few tuts on hinging doors out there.
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