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Everything posted by allis200

  1. Looking for the chrome grill insert, part #63 from the 1/24 Revell Mercedes-AMG GT kit #07028. Thanks
  2. Great video! Was a fun show.
  3. There was a vendor there with several 3D models. It's a good swap meet.
  4. Brian's Pro Shop and Hobby is a great stop.
  5. Many farm supply stores will have matching paint for different tractor brands. Also some rural hardware stores.
  6. Very nice truck. My first real truck was a blue/white 71 like your model except the cab corners were rusted out and used more oil than gas. Still that 350 with 4 barrel started even when -25. Just an excellent job. Thanks for posting.
  7. Very nice build. Just started mine today. Love the looks of the Bronco.
  8. The four month thing was because it was a preorder and it was labeled as such. I had also preorded one myself. The shipping thing was the weird part.
  9. The wait for the Belkits would not be his fault. I preordered one myself and it was several months before the inventory hit the US. Can't say about the shipping issues but I have not had any issues with him.
  10. You will need to revise the shipping on your semi. It is set up as free shipping.
  11. Hobby Search in Asia has it coming there in July.2021 Ford Bronco SUV First Edition (Model Car) - HobbySearch Model Car Kit Store (1999.co.jp) Hopefully here sooner
  12. My mail comes from the same hub in the Twin Cities as you and I have gotten all of them. If for some reason you don't, contact them and they will take care of you.
  13. Came today in Wisconsin
  14. Going to start the NuNu Audi R8 GT3 race car. The paint codes are not in English and the numbers are not the same as the M6 kit. Anybody have the English version? Thanks
  15. Magazines going to Canada is a complete mess. I have had subscribers to our publication in Canada get one issue then not the next but get the following. Very frustrating on our end.
  16. My understanding is that the Salvino JR 86-87 Pontiac 2+2 kit was based off Monogram kit. Will the chassis from the Monogram Grand Prix work with the Salvino kit? Trying not to buy another Salvino kit for chassis if I can use the 1992 Monogram kit I have. Thanks
  17. This is a brand new thing with them. We never had a problem before either. Many of the addresses worked for years and still do with first class.
  18. Mark May want to see if your address on file is correct. Starting this summer USPS got very strict on addresses with periodicals. The company that prints our magazine sent me a list of addresses the USPS said were not good. Biggest headaches were addresses that would be "hwy 77" Needed to be State Hwy 77 or WI-77 or Cty Rd 77. Real pain for us to deal with. Spelling is also a huge deal.
  19. The USPS will take 1 to 3 weeks to deliver magazines. With our we find it is usually 1 to 2 weeks for the majority of ours to make it. The USPS has given magazine publishers a new headache. If addresses are not perfect they may not deliver it. Example would be if you said your address was Route 30 that is not going to fly with the USPS with periodicals. They want if its a state, county or township route designation.
  20. My wife and I publish a magazine. We have found it can take up to 2-3 weeks in some areas to get them with periodical mail. Some areas slower than others. I do not know where they mail it from. The USPS system is still slow in some areas. Hopefully we see this sooner than later.
  21. Larry had said 207 would be available as a back issue.
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