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  1. We decided to do a same kit build this year in our club (NorthCoast Auto Modelers) and everyone picked the bronco as the kit. For some reason, the low rear wheelwells on the early broncos make me think of 50s customs. I decided to fully embrace this, and make a bronco convertible lead sled. Here is a somewhat crude photoshop of whats going on in my head on this one (not the color and patina.. actually thinking a baremetal body). So first things first it needed to be a bit longer. so i had to buy 2 kits... and combine them. Added about 5/8"behind the door opening... and about 1/4" to the door to get the proportions all to work. then i needed to tackle the angle back... so i used the front fenders from the scrap body. After some sanding and some fenderskirts this is how it looks now: working on finishing off the slantback with the extra hood... hopefully that happens tonight.
  2. Here is a full write-up on my most recent build. https://notboxstock.info/kustom-creeper/
  3. So the last thing I need is yet another WIP Thread... or Project.... but this one hit me as something I had to attempt. The Web/Internet theme for the 2020 NNL east is this newly re-issued 63 impala kit, this kit has the "advanced custom parts" and asymmetrical front and rear treatments. Upon seeing these currently and in past reissues, I have heard myself and others go "ewe, well there are parts no one will ever use" .. well... I decided to challenge myself to make something out of this for NNL East. My first though was an offset cab surf board hauler.. but then when I cut the roof off and set it back on in a Cab-Forward layout... something clicked... ShowRod Hauler! What if Ed Roth was given a 1963 Impala to customize as he wished to haul his various vehicles to shows... Maybe even keep the surf theme and toss a couple Surfites on there... Im not sure yet...but the ideas are flowing. Here is the current progress, A couple days into the fun... Front and rear treatments installed... roof removed... I shifted the asymmetrical portion of the grill/hood over approximately 1/4" to match the rear treatment.... it bothered me it wasnt the same. Then onto the roof.... removed 1-1/8" from the roof, reassembled and re-installed.
  4. This is essentially an AMT '60 Chevrolet Custom Fleetside with a few changes and upgrades. It was meant to be a quickie shelf build, so there isn't a lot of extra brake line plumbing or major body mods. Just a nice kustom pickup in flattened light purple. The '60 Mercury grille is an old AMT Parts Pack piece that was narrowed to fit the Chevy Surround. Emblems, tailgate latches and door handles were shaved. The front bumper was flipped, and the lower section painted to give the front end a bit lighter look. Lowering was achieved in three ways. Smaller rubber and mags are Pegasus Sovereigns. Rear airbags and the accompanying compressor/tank are from AMT's '39 Chevy Wagonrod. Most of the drop comes from a severe 5"-6" (scale) channel. Extra height was removed from the inner bed sides before reattaching the rear fenders to provide clearance for the slammed rear end and dual exhaust system, optional parts from an AMT '51 Chevrolet Convertible. The exhaust terminates in stainless turn-downs from a Metal Bug sci-fi detail set. Those stake sides came from a Revell '41 Chevrolet pickup. That same convertible donated the dual-carbs, intake, split exhaust manifolds and valve cover. D&J aluminum air cleaners, and Detail Master pulleys and distributor add more WOW when the hood is popped. After trimming down the firewall and interior side panels to raise the floor, the seat needed to be cut down to sit directly on the floorboards. Scale Motorsport zebra decals add some spice to the pearl white and purple interior. Like I said, nothing too fancy. It may get a hitch so it can trailer around an old dragster or some wild bubbletop rod.
  5. Well this should be a super fast moving thread... I had this Foose truck laying around, I had pirated the grill for my bronco build, the engine & chassis look like good pieces for a future build and I wanted to try out this .002 metal flake from TCP global... thus the Golden Foose Custom truck is born. Hopefully this little guy will be done by NNL East. Worked out some minor body modifications.. (shaved handles, fuel filter and wipers, filled bumper holes front and roll panned the rear) I attached the body to the bed, and then separated the running boards, they will be white tuck-n-roll like the tonneau cover. The hub caps and tires are the 1/24th scale items from the 58 t-bird... the slightly oversized tires seem to fill the oversized wheel wells nicely. Grille is from the AMT/blueprinter packs, the headlights came from a parts box. Next up was some testors pure gold as a base coat.... followed by a few coats of .002 gold flake from TCP Global in a carrier clear.. Finally some urethane clear to make it really sparkle.
  6. Hy Guys , My 56 Nomad Finished today. PURE FUN !!!!!!! Thanks to comments
  7. Started this build by cutting up the front section of an Alumacoupe.......cut and matched-in the grille sections of the Smoothster.....added the roof from the Lil Coffin (thanks to Dr. Kerry my good friend).....some wheels/tires from a Jada Corvette.....and a lot of time, Apoxiesculpt, and sanding. The hood was probably one of the biggest hurdles to cover......I wanted the front end to look like a pair of open wings......achieved this by splitting the side grilles down the middle with the hood (the front section of the hood turned down area was taken from the original trunk lid from the Alumacoupe.) This will be a curbside build that will put focus on paint and mostly design. The paint will be a bright orange base with a gold pearl over it, followed by Kandy Pink, Kandy Violet and finally bury it all under a deep coat of clear. In the right light you will see the orange coming thru that awesome Violet/Pink Koolaide looking paint! If all goes well, paint will be on Saturday! As always, I appreciate your comments and advice. Enjoy guys!
  8. I have always been enamored with the 60's Showcars... So I thought I would give it a shot. Using the Kosmik Outcast as partial inspiration.... thinking something like this, but with fenders. Im gonna buzz threw what I have been up to the last month so i can start giving you guys regular updates here is the start: Using a 1962 Thunderbird, Lil Coffin and (2) 1950 F-1 kits as donors. Rough Mockup added about 1/2" of width to the fenders, T-Bird bed and smoothed firewall: Body to bed attachment: Sculpted upper door: Roughing in the 51 Style grille opening and chopping the top: Stressfull removal of bulkhead:
  9. Click here to see the bubbletops --> POP!
  10. This is a snap- kit from Revell. Chopped, shaved, nosed, decked, interior mildly sectioned, frame stepped, custom grille and other minor modifications done. Tell me what you think of this one!
  11. Someone on this forum mentioned that he would like to see more of my VW`s so here is one: I did this a while ago, Mr Model / Gunze Sangyo Karmann - Ghia. I did it in kinda sixties- custom / lowrider style I quess. Pegasus wheels and stock hubcaps, lowered to the max. I painted it with Tamiya lime green pearl over silver leaf base. Final layers were made with Tamiya clear. Rear glass and rear quarter vindows were cast as a same clear part with top. I didn´t want to go with clear top so I sprayed few mist coats of lime green pearl to top. Top is now supposed to look like tinted plexiglass custom top on a convertible. Oh, and those nice spun aluminium mirrors are from Mr. Modeller, Brazil. Thanks for looking these pics, comments are welcomed as always. Jarkko
  12. First off, happy New Year to you and yours! Lets hope 2013 brings us all good luck and happiness. Named after the famous Boston gentleman's club the Golden Banana is a 61 Impala late model custom based on Lindberg's kit. Ill let the pics tell the story. ">http:// ">http:// ">http:// ">http:// ">http://
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