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  1. There are many who view dioramas with awe and wonderment, wishing that they could create works of art like that. Often, they lack the space for a diorama, or even the space for a model. I know several model builders that have to place their models back in the box when completed because they have no place to display their creations. For this reason, I am introducing you to the world of the cyber-diorama. You may still lack tangible display room, but you now have alternatives. The 'August 1969' diorama was a cyber-diorama. The base for it was 2 foot by 4 foot 1/2 inch plywood. It had fine gravel from Woodland Scenics glued to it. Everything else was extra to be placed when needed. In this case there were five figures, three cars, and a garage. The scene represents a group of young friends just enjoying being together on an August day. The second picture displays what I actually took a picture of. I then went to Photoshop to remove all the elements that I didn't want in the photo. From that I added trees, background, and sky, to be blended to form the first picture. There are many miniaturists that just don't have the room to keep their works of art on display. Building cyber-displays around them allows them a way to be able to see their treasures, even when tucked away in boxes. Using the figures, presents them in real life settings, or as in the case of 'August 1969', a 'Polaroid' picture. So you like working with photo-editing, well, here is something that you can do with any photo to personalize it. In this case, I used a model car photo, but don't let that limit you. This is a cyber-diorama that I created from a cyber-diorama. In the first one, the base and gravel on it, along with the car are tangible. Everything else was photo-edited in to create a scene. In the second picture, we are looking out of a window to see the car. Each element in that kitchen scene is separate. The wall paper, curtains, cupboards, window frames; each one had to be grafted in to give the impression that one is looking out the kitchen window to see the scene. How hard is it to create a diorama? This one consists of just four elements; the model, a metal table, a calendar picture, and a cereal box. The model was set on the metal table, a full cereal box (full for stability) was placed behind the model, and then the calendar picture was placed against the box. Admittedly, is is a very temporary diorama, but you can easily remember it by taking a picture. What would it take to make it a permanent diorama? A couple of pieces of sturdy plastic, one for the base and one for the back would be your start. Paint the base flat gray or flat black. Glue the back to the base, and then the calendar picture to the back. Place the car on the base, and with the exception of some bracing, you have a diorama. Don't be intimidated by all the fabulous dioramas that you see the miniaturists display. We all had to start somewhere, and we place our work here, not to gloat, but to encourage others. In the second picture, you see a small diorama that my late wife built. As a tribute to her, in her last days, I created an acrylic painting involving the model. However, the disclaimer would be that the painting doesn't exist outside of the cyber world. The work was all done using Photoshop. It consisted of a picture taken of the model and the diorama base. Once brought to Photoshop, the ground and trees were altered to reflect that which is found in much of Alaska. The bush was made to look like the Salmonberry bush that was so common around Kodiak. The sapling tree was given growth and a friend. Behind the car are multiple layers of mountain pictures, followed by the sky. All of that was blended together, and then further reworked to reflect an acrylic painting. You now get an idea of just what you can accomplish in the cyber-world, but I have more. As your skills evolve, and note the word 'evolve'... ...you will find yourself adjusting the adjustments... This picture, although generally rather simple in most terms, does require another skill. To begin, the rock, figures, car, and buildings are all tangible. The backdrop is a calendar picture. To this point it would follow the same procedure as the 1961 Cadillac, shown earlier. The trick is that this car was photographed in front of a gray screen. The photo was added in photo-editing. The reason is that the photo had to have a mirror image made from it. The left side is original, with the right being the mirror image, which then had to have work done to it. What one is left with is a very New England setting. We return to layers in photo-editing. In this example, the car and the gravel close to it are tangible. Everything else is edited in. Each tree, bush, area of grass, sky, and building, are separate layers. Each layer then receives detailing, and attention to such things as lighting and shadow direction. You can also rework the car. In this case I made a Series 62 from an Eldorado. Just how elaborate can one get? Once again, all that is tangible is the automobile and some gravel. Everything else that you see is cyber generated. This one was constructed with a purpose. That purpose was to move the viewer's eye from the front to the rear of the picture. For those who were around in the 80s & 90s, you might remember an art show with a Mr. Bob Ross. I followed his guidelines in this work. The front trees help to frame the photo, while at the same time working to 'move' the scene back. In order to do this, construction began at the rear and moved to the front. This is where things can get difficult, not so much from the work, but in hiding objects. Many of those objects are very interesting, such as the house to the left. Note the 'steeple' on the house behind it. These work to add depth. That depth is gained by hiding said houses, and also much of the trees seen behind the hedge. The hedge plays a key role. It adds a backdrop for the vehicle, while at the same time creating depth. Surprisingly, is how much the small grassy area between the car and the hedge also add to the depth. As we move foreword from the car and the rock, we encounter another grassy and bushy area, along with the aforementioned, trees. These all work together to create a scene that looks quite deep, but what helps to really convey the depth impression, is the simple jet stream, which tells the viewer that there is more world behind the photo. Remember to start off simple, as in the 1961 Cadillac picture. As you gain experience, you will find yourself taking pictures of every model you have, and giving it a cyber-world. When you get to the level of the last picture, it won't be work nor difficult, it will be a blast. I am thankful that I did make all of these pictures. With my wife contracting terminal Cancer, we had to move from Alaska, and she passed shortly thereafter. I had to let my collection go to a friend there. Those models are still in my collection, although only on cyber form. So whether you have room for a model collection or just want to back up your collection, give cyber-dioramas a try.
  2. Got hold of an old AMT Prestige kit with some slight damages to the chrome in a couple of spots and the shape of the bonnet is slightly off Exteterior colour is Humbrol sky blue, gloss The BMFI think is unfortunately of the newer variety, had problems to get it to stick plus there are small wrinkles when it is released from the backing, wrinkles which were difficult to get completelt rid of. Interior is the same colour + Humbrol dark blue, matt. Both with Humbrol satin clear on top. Anyway a striking shape
  3. until
    The 30th Annual Heartland Model Car Nationals is THE Big Show of the year in the Midwest. 31 model categories plus 15 additional Master awards, Theme, People's Choice, Specialty and Heartland Grand Champion. 80+ Vendor tables, drawings, live DJ. This year's Theme is "Drop Tops".
  4. I am now calling this one 'completed', although I never can keep myself from adding things to my dioramas. I wanted this to have a dark moody atmosphere, yet still portray an enjoyable place to work. This necessitated the need for lighting, which I have found even adds more to the atmosphere. I only wish that I could add the sounds and smells. What follows are the 'tour' photos. This was an enjoyable project, and I thank all of those who followed during the construction in the WIP section. I now have another diorama where I can display models for photography, so this is not the last you will see of this diorama. I want to give a big thanks to dannyi, whose work in progress diorama from 2010-2013 was a big inspiration to me. I spent several years looking at that amazing work of art, and thinking that I should work up the courage to try my own theme based around his. I encourage everybody to slip over to the WIP-dioramas section and look up the diorama by Dannyi. A work of art that good should not be forgotten in the back pages of the section. I post this to encourage all who view it to start building one of your own. Don't wait 14 years as I have done. Get started. If I can do it, you can do it.
  5. Welcome to the current Otto Ray Sing Classic Car Center. After rather humble beginnings, and now under new ownership, the business has expanded and become even more efficient. The garage area is much larger than the previous versions, and results in more efficient repairs, as well as increased customer satisfaction. The show room is large enough to display three cars. It follows the mid-century modern theme and allows customers to view their dream cars at all times.. The dealership is inviting and always stocked with beautiful cars to please any taste. Actually, there is one detriment. In front of the garage is a cement walkway, that has so far, resisted all attempts to remove it. These two workers will attest that it is much easier to stand around and look at it, than it is to perform the exercise in futility of trying to remove it. Management had a sense of humor when they put up the restroom signs. The entryway to the showroom was also well thought out to draw customers eyes to the vehicles found within. A classic car is always in view while approaching the building. This is what I call a 'photographic diorama', as the purpose is for it to be able to have scenery, vehicles, & figures changed to suit the needs of the vehicle being photographed. I will be adding a history to this as well as introducing figures, etc, if there is interest.
  6. To say is waste of time, I will show you my latest collection. 1:18 W Motors Fenyr Supersport in white:
  7. Early 60's AMT paint cans in the box with kit. That's what's missing from these nostalgia kits! Best match up now is Testors lacquer.Lots of good colors. Wild altereds. Saw some old ad's for Revell kit's like Ed Roth Bantam Bomber and Studebaker Miss Deal. Those were the kits to get in that era. AMT comes close to that with Jawbreaker.You have to build it right to get that 'thrown together' look. Because that's the way those cars were.They were built to do just one thing.So they were not real stylish. Box art AMT MPC. That's a tough go for them. I myself have come around to checking for any box art or real race cars or custom cars on the net. AMT works hard to put something on the box but really the modeler has to get himself motivated to build 'that car'.
  8. HI Everyone, I'm hoping some of you will see this post and reply. My dad, Harry Pristovnik, was an avid contributor to this website and those of you that knew him know cars and model cars were his passion. He passed away in April and we don't know what to do with his extensive model car collection. These models meant EVERYTHING to him. I know he'd want them to go to people who will treasure them as much as he did. Will you all give us some advice on what to do? Sell them to model car enthusiasts? (is there any interest on this site from people who'd want to buy them?) Donate them to a museum? We're talking hundreds of completed models, and some unfinished kits. We can't keep them (though of course we will keep a few, in his memory). We're lost. Please help. This was his world and we need a glimpse into how to honor his dedication and love for it. Gratefully, Amy
  9. Three Rivers 39th Annual model car contest and swap meet. Sunday September 24th 2017, 9AM to 3PM Garden City Fire Hall 602 Garden City Drive Monroeville PA 15146
  10. until
    NEW LOCATION- KEYSTONE FIRE COMPANY, 240 NORTH WALNUT STREET, BOYERTOWN, PA -- which is 2.3 miles and one right turn from the Gilbertsville Fire Co. You go 2 miles West on East Philadelphia Ave( after the 8th traffic light), then turn right on North Walnut Street for 3 blocks and you are there. Here is a link from the old location to the new one MAP LINK Len Feinberg & The Central Pennsylvania Model Car Club proudly presents The Super September Showdown XVII Model car contest and vendor show. For the contest there will be 21 Classes plus Best of Show. The is a wide variety of vendors selling new kits, old kits, promos, parts, resin, decals, etc. Admission is Still Only $5.00 and that includes all of your contest entries. Here is a link to some of the pictures from last year's show Super September Showdown XVIII Food will be available from the Keystone Fire Hall kitchen and staff. Plenty of off street parking. For vendor info, contact Len Feinberg at 610-923-7534 of fnplastics@aol.com. For contest information email the Central Pa. Model Car Club atcentralpamcc@hotmail.com or go to cmpcc.org Here is a link to the Super September Showdown Web Site with the Contest info CLICK HERE
  11. My name is Javier but you can call me JAY I'm new here I'm 19 from Chicago I've been building models for about a year and plenty more to come really friendly person love helping people I love Japanese cars here's a recent model car I made its a Nissan 180sx from fujimi great kit highly recommend it
  12. Getting back into it after many years. Started when I was 10 and bought several kits around $12 each to make 1 rig. Always 1/25 scale because that was all we had. Got out of it in my late teens and now back at 50. Pricey now compared to then..... My intro back into it is a pair of Freightliner COE's stretched pulling 53' reefer trailers. I am well underway with the first one with the frame for the second beside it to show the contrast. I still have sanding to do and fix a few glitches. They will have the appearance of 2 distinct rigs with personal driver preferences like Owner Operator rigs. I have seen some amazing builders on here and YouTube that have me a bit embarrassed to post.....but I love this stuff. More pics to come as it progresses.
  13. until
    November 18 - 20, 2016 Scottsdale, AZ 19th SOUTHWEST NATIONALS Model Car & Pedal Car Show/Contest, GoodGuys Rod & Custom Association, 3 days, Peoples Choice balloting for Top 12 Awards, Best of Show, and Peoples Choice awards + Best Junior Model; No Registration Fee; enter as many models as you'd like, free for one or a hundred!; Free Make-n-Take events on Saturday and Sunday, sponsored by Revell, for kids 12 & under; over 3,000 1:1 rods, customs, specialty collector cars for inspiration. Located at WestWorld of Scottsdale, 16601 North Pima Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. For Info, contact the Show Director, danbakeraz@cox.net, or 480-540-3608. Website: www.Good-Guys.com
  14. until
    March 4 - 6, 2016 Scottsdale, AZ 7th SPRING NATIONALS Model Car & Pedal Car Show/Contest, GoodGuys Rod & Custom Association, 3 days, Peoples Choice balloting for Top 12 Awards, Best of Show, and Peoples Choice awards + Best Junior Model; No Registration Fee; enter as many models as you'd like, free for one or a hundred!; Free Make-n-Take events on Saturday and Sunday, sponsored by Revell, for kids 12 & under; over 3,000 1:1 rods, customs, specialty collector cars for inspiration. Located at WestWorld of Scottsdale, 16601 North Pima Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. For Info, contact the Show Director, danbakeraz@cox.net, or 480-540-3608. Website: www.Good-Guys.com
  15. Back into this after over 30 years. My first project is two COE Freightliners that will pull 53' reefers. I stretched the first one a little - but the second is a lot longer as you can see the rough frame. Still needs sanding and a few glitch fixes. They will resemble owner operator rigs with individual personality hauling frozen food across this great land. I will send updated pics as it progresses. I love this stuff and there are some very talented builders here and on YouTube.
  16. Has anyone heard anything from Rick? He is really good about answering emails and I have not heard from him about a small issue I had on an order and was hoping he is ok. It has been several months and that is just not like him. He has really nice decals and normally great customer service. I would like to order more if I know everything is alright. Thanks
  17. I thoght this might be useful to some of the members.
  18. Hello all, say anyone have a good idea for a Paint job for a 1/25 67 Dodge Charger, Street stock, type, maybe mild mags, etc, I was thinking Silver with White vinyl top and White Interior, but, Black on Black is killer too,,Or Red w/ Red interior, or Red, White vinyl top,,or ? HELP..
  19. We are also taking up an offering for the church for letting us have a build day there. Email me or leave a reply here if you're coming. Just so I know how many tables to put up.
  20. I found this the other day while researching Paint code's for the Sox and Martin 71 Cuda Im going to be doing, It also has paint codes for all Chrysler major cars, Dart, Duster, Cuda etc, the second sheet is for Spec's on all the cars and Engine options, might find it handy, I also add'd a layout of a TF,f/C Fuel line set up..
  21. Here is a Revell vw bus I completed for a friend. Easy build. Did the in side with tie-dye, has a home made table. With a reel to reel tape deck, tamyia paint an clear, custom decals. Detailed rims. Came out decent , hope u like it,
  22. Don't you just hate! When you work and sand a Body ready for painting, then the weather turns, and you end up getting small Pin bubbles in the paint Job!! So, Then you decide to spray a spare junk body to test decals and reaction to a new Floor wax dip deal, and the paint job come's out near perfect!! That's what happen when I sprayed New Green Elephant Vega body, So I yanked a old SS Chevelle body out wanting to put some old decals on, and do this deal where as you Dip the body in the floor wax and let it set up,, well Now I have too sand the Vega back down, and the Chevelle is fine,,lol
  23. Hello Gang, I can't believe it took me this long too find this site, Very glad an excited too be here, I love too build Model cars, Mostly IHRA,NHRA Drag racing and muscle car's, I have been building my Whole Life almost, I started at about 10, and won my first couple of contest's back then at my good ol little town Toy shop "remember them" HO and Slot car tracks, Models stacked too the ceiling, and all RC Cars were on a cable, with 4 giant C-D Cell batteries!! My Toy shop was in my home town of Bucyrus Ohio, it was named Sullivan's toy land, I had the hook up, the owner son was also a class mate of mine in same school, I loved that place, My first car that I won with was the "Red Alert Chevelle, "recall that car" Its the first time I wired my engine! I used Yellow Thread from my mom's sewing box! also, carpet, "no flocking yet" So I cut the Top layer of our carpet from behind the B/w Tv, "at 10 It was 1970, we received our color TV about 74,My Pops went nuts when he took the old TV OUT lol, My car was decent, I put glue in the bottom if interior pan and sprinkled the shaved carpet fibers in,,lol, I won!! any kit of my choice, I took the 63 Corvette "Rod Shop" red white and blue! She was big scale, like 1/16 or something, also received spray paint, brush kit and glue "testers of Corse, and that's my story, been hooked ever since, I been getting into Sterline and retrofitting parts, I can't believe some of the new stuff out here too help us build, I was out of it for about 18 yrs, daughter, family and a thing called work, back then No Internet, only magazine's once in awhile, I love the Flocking, and the Ignition wiring kits, "no sewing thread" lol, I do fuel lines now, and break's, I have gone on too long, can't wait too meet a few or all of you and trade idea's and tips, Oh, ,I just started the Green Elephant F/C, using the 74 Schumacher Vega, and slixx decals, just Now opened the Box, Funny its a 95 kit "18 yrs old, and didn't bat an eye, "wife was like That's a collector item"..lol So..Im building it!! "Its a model car kit thing" lol,,BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH,, Here I go again,, sorry, ok, drop me a line, I have posted a few of my cars, "Just don't know how to find them now" There in the gallery, under "aspence5, or alan spence.lol,,maybe booboo60..anywho, drop me a line any time, take care, and Build On Gentlemen..
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