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There's an idea, cars from "Mad Max- Fury Road"

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http://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/enthusiasts/the-cars-of-mad-max-fury-road/ss-BBiNrNu mad-max-fury-road3.jpg and more https://www.google.com/search? :blink: q=cars+from+mad+max+fury+road&espv=2&biw=748&bih=702&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=aAZWVZ2oCYSlgwSW04HgCw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#imgrc=_

Man, just look at all this stuff. You could build forever. Hmmmmm, just the idea, what to do with all those kits in my stash. :huh:

Imagine, a whole table full at your next show. :P

Edited by Greg Myers
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The lads from Mighty Car Mods already built their 1:1 :D

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pV_rM2kW5YQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/MiICQ4gDpH0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JO9vgdSnbeg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/3phb0uF2sPQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

They really need to do an episode with the guys from Roadkill where they have General Mayhem running against Mod Max here............preferably on neutral ground, like downtown London, England..........kind of a "Hello from the colonies" special:flipoff:


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Two of the Australian people here have already completed a Gigahorse, and a bare metal Interceptor is in the works. *cough* You two know who you are... ;)

As far as real car replicas, and inspired builds, don't get me started.... :lol:

Edited by Zarana-X
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It would be awesome if companies like Revell made kits of these.

I've always assumed the black top warrior kits were in response to Mad Max and The Road Warrior and the slew of post apocalyptic movies that followed.


I didn't realize they didn't issue those until 2001, 20 years is a bit of a lag time even for a model company.

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No spoiler here, however, I have to say when this guy was on screen, the audience went wild. :PPH7GQaDXQNtxbd_1_m.jpg BIG ol "O-daiko" drums from Japan on the back with a drummer each. 5e25da37-61d7-44fd-a9a3-b2f5b8b5a791-620 But this guy on the front with his flamethrowin' dual guitar, brought the house down. :lol::D

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No spoiler here, however, I have to say when this guy was on screen, the audience went wild. :P BIG ol "O-daiko" drums from Japan on the back with a drummer each. 5e25da37-61d7-44fd-a9a3-b2f5b8b5a791-620 But this guy on the front with his flamethrowin' dual guitar, brought the house down. :lol::D

NO CGI....it all really worked....and is WILD!!!

Each time I walked out of the movie I had a adrenaline high!!

Note the 71 Charger to the right!

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I got to see this one too sometime....and build a few from all the movies but the first one I want to build is the first black interceptor.... :)

Not sure why......but the Aoshema Mad Max Falcon kits have gone through the roof. Not sure if this film has driven up prices or just supply and demand in general. When the first came out they were under $40.....now around $90 and OOP.

Long before any kit I built my own. It was a planned series Mad Max Falcons. This was my version of the Falcon right when the MFP buys it but has yet to upgrade it to lure Max back in.


MADMAX14-vi.jpgJoHan 72 Torino, AMT 72 Mustang and some parts.

Other Max vehicles



MANY more coming.....

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I have one of those resin conversion kits......are they still made??? Who?

Ebay, although the guy that makes them is on the forum here as well. Search in the forums for Mad Max Conversion kit and you'll find my thread. He hopped in here and introduced himself.

EDIT: found it............


Edited by Drake69
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