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Absolutely incredible.....

X10!!!!! I imagine that once you have the computer work done, that CNC machine does its thing by itself. It is that 3d design that flabbergasts me. This stuff belongs on the Crafstmanship museum site. I'd like to be there and watch you working. 

  • 1 month later...


     That is just an incredible level of detail. I don't see how you can even handle those small pieces to assemble them. I am enjoying this build thread.



      Be Well



hi David

this work is really impressive. all this posibilities are incredibel. so mutch details just grate. are you planing to produce such smal parts like this electric plug as a kit ist self or only in combination with the Trailer kit?

so Long


  • 1 month later...

I agree with everybody here... This is just out of this world! Incredible amount of detial here, even the connectors are there! Very, very nice! Which brings me to ask, what is your day job? You know, the one that brings bread and butter on your table? Is this it, or you have have to work with a truck or engineering related job! This project is really work intensive. Unbelievably nice! 


Hi David,

You're showing details that are just beyond what most mortals can achieve with two hands.

Could you give us some insight into your production procedures?

I have somewhat of an idea about scanning the parts and having a diagram, are the parts then machined, milled and drilled by a complimentary program?  CAM/CIM?

Wonderful innovative procedures here that just look fantastic.

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