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C7 Corvette


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Currently suffering from severe PHD (Project Hopping Desease).... 
The Revell snap C7 Corvette body was washed and dried.  Shot the first coat of primer. Block sanded and started working the mold lines.
The body looks good and straight so far....




No hesitation on color combo: Laguna blue with Kalahari interior.....

Stay tuned...

Best Regards,


Edited by ismaelg
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  • 4 months later...

Hello everybody,


After 4 months, I got a bit more time. After mold lines were addressed, more primer was applied.  I now started polishing the primer. This will also reveal creases and high spots where care needs to be taken.  Those areas will be addressed and painted first to buildup a bit more paint thickness.  Have you ever polished a paint and rub thru the bare plastic? UGH!



What's this?  weren't there molded exhaust tips there?  I Couldn't help it. I drilled them out.....


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  • 3 weeks later...


   I removed the whole area where the molded exhaust was.  I then machined a set of exhaust tips. Had a hard time but was able to get them slanted consistently like the real one.  Had to make 5 tips because I moved then with  tweezers  and one flew into oblivion straight to another dimension, never to be found.....


Will most likely mount in a flat piece and mount from the back.

This is the only modification. everything else will be box stock.  That's my story and I'll stick to it... :)



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   I removed the whole area where the molded exhaust was.  I then machined a set of exhaust tips. Had a hard time but was able to get them slanted consistently like the real one.  Had to make 5 tips because I moved then with  tweezers  and one flew into oblivion straight to another dimension, never to be found.....


Will most likely mount in a flat piece and mount from the back.

This is the only modification. everything else will be box stock.  That's my story and I'll stick to it... :)



I  know exactly where that tip is, and as soon as you finish this build....... I'll tell you.

Looking good so far. Waiting for more.


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  • 1 year later...


    I haven't taken pictures yet but after 1 year it now has its first coat of paint.  Let's see: 2 base coats, 2 or 3 wet coats, 3 or 4 coats of clear, the rest of the car..... hmmm   Come back in 2025. It should be close to be finished :D 

Yeah, I have to get back to this one as well.....


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  • 6 months later...



  Well, after a year, I finally got the first color coats in this a few months ago.  Yesterday I lightly sanded and did what I hope are the last color coats before clear.  First inspection looks good for clear.  I'll inspect it again and hopefully start with the clear. I hope to finish this before the 1:1 get "Classic Car" plates :)




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   After the final color coat I applied a mist coat and a few light coats of clear.  Nothing extraordinary.  Then last night, I did a medium, slightly heavier coat of clear.   I checked it this morning .   Took it to the sun and WOW!   Let's put it this way: It is so reflective it doesn't look as good in the pictures.   I have finished models that don't look this good and I still haven't even looked at polishing yet.  I may do one more coat of clear just to be safe then will polish carefully.

   Ohh! I forgot! I still have to work on the rest of the model!





Unfortunately, everything has been put away due to hurricane Maria which is of great concern. 



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