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Which Primers Do you Perfer?

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I have been using AK Interactive Acrylic Primer. I am not sure I really like it. Maybe I need to bight the bullet and use a non acrylic Primer. 

So which ones do you guys use and why? 

I would like to switch but I want one I can run thru my airbrush. I really dislike using Spray Cans.

I love both Tamiya white and gray, and the nozzle is so good, I actually apply it straight from the can! However, I don't believe these primers are strong enough to use under the new acrylic enamels/lacquers. For that I have had good success with Exact Match light gray primer by Duplicolor, which I decant and apply with an airbrush. I tried Duplicolor's regular gray primer, and it's way too dark.

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I love both Tamiya white and gray, and the nozzle is so good, I actually apply it straight from the can! However, I don't believe these primers are strong enough to use under the new acrylic enamels/lacquers. For that I have had good success with Exact Match light gray primer by Duplicolor, which I decant and apply with an airbrush. I tried Duplicolor's regular gray primer, and it's way too dark.

I also love the Tamiya white.  Very fine grained and lays down an almost perfect surface every time(can blame it for contaminates).  I have used it with automotive grade lacquers and enamels forever and never had any issues with it.  I use it strait from the can and decant it as well.  Before I used it, I used DuPont Veraprime auto grade primer.  Great stuff but the grain was much heavier. 

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I ended up picking up a can of Tamiya gray today. I will see how it works. http://www.tamiyausa.com/items/paints-finishes-60/finishing-supplies-62000/surface-primer-l-gray-87042

I have seen the term decanting a few times on here.  I finally looked it up.  For those of you who do decant the Tamiya how long do you wait? Also are there any straws that you have  found that fit the nozzle better than a drinking straw? Is there a recommended cleaner I should use to clean out my air brush? Would an Odorless Mineral Spirit work? I have a few bottles of Gamblin's Gamsol http://www.gamblincolors.com/solvents/ laying around which I use to clean up and thin my oil paints with. I also have a citrus brush cleaner for cleaning up my oil paints. Not sure if these will work. 

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I've been sold on airbrushing for a few years now, but it's hard to find a better primer than Tamiya's rattle can.

The thing is this - the regular Tamiya Surface Primer is decent stuff, but if you want to find out what everyone raves about, you've got to use Tamiya Fine Gray Primer. Significantly different from the regular Surface Primer. Get the Fine Primer, and you will find it's not necessary to use it in an airbrush.

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Mind you I'm a newb but have had many melt downs due to improper choice of tools (paint, primer included).

Tamiya grey/white is great but like some have noted, it can clog up your sand paper due to it having whats called plasticizer.  Personally I love wet sanding most of the time so this is not an issue.

Snake swears by Walmart store brand grey which used to be called Color Space, now its Home Shades.  Several Walmarts in a 40 mile radius to me are out and have no restock schedule.

I also love Duplicolor Grey Scatch Filler for when I need to fill major body work.

Some one noted loving Rustoleum 2X Ultra Cover.  Its a very good sealer/primer but takes for ever to dry as its an enamal.  Think like a few days.  Its also very dark.

I'm finding myself using diff primers for diff situations and even started using silver as a primer on colored plastic as its a great sealer and prevents that dreded bleed through many have noted.

So all in all, I think you should have many tools in your shed.


Edited by aurfalien
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Snake swears by Walmart store brand grey which used to be called Color Space, now its Home Shades.  Several Walmarts in a 40 mile radius to me are out and have no restock schedule.

Yup! Shot the second coat of it on a Revell snapper '69 Camaro last night (the first coat revealed a few issues to be dealt with, which I did). Hope to get it sanded smooth with #800 Wetordry, wet, this afternoon as I catch up on the last of my backlogged summer TV (new TV season starts Monday). Reminds me--I need to shoot the interior and seats in it, too, followed by the Walmart Flat White Primer, followed by a semigloss clear.

Wonderful stuff, one of the last True Bargains left in this world!

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I finally got myself a can of the Tamiya Fine White Primer. It does goes on super smooth. I Like it. My only complaint, its so BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH smelly. 

I love the Tamiya Fine White as much as the Fine Gray. I use it sparingly though, as it can sometimes be harder to come by than Fine Gray, and the Fine White is the best white spray paint I've ever used. I frequently use it as a white finish. It does have an odor, but it dries in a jiffy. Out-gassing doesn't take too long either.

Edited by Harry Joy
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I use HOK paint so I need to use automotive primers.  My preference is Duplicolor in white, dark gray, black, and red oxide.  I also keep a couple cans of primer/sealer and primer/filler around the shop.

ditto. I don't use HOK but all the primers.

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Does anyone know if I decanter for use in my airbrush, that It will still smell as bad?

Tamiya primer is an synthetic lacquer.  Doesn't matter how you apply it, it is going to smell like lacquer.  I strongly urge you not to smell it.  Get a good respirator and use it.  Your brain cells and lungs will appreciate it.  It doesn't smell any worse than the lacquer DuPont primers or HOK primers I also use.  By the way if it is a two part urethane, that stinks just as bad and is equally bad for your body.  There is no paint that is ok to inhale over the long haul.  All of them have deleterious effects to one extent or another. 

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