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Posted (edited)

I've been busy again after a break of many months, trying to get 5 or 6 cars painted before winter sets in.  

I'm having to learn the art of painting a model again, it's been so long! This is the third time I've painted this one and I'm still not happy with the vinyl roof - the Zero

semi-gloss black looks like sandpaper and has buried the script for good. But I'm pressing on and hope I can do the scripts and badges with some decals I have. 

The main color is factory correct Almond Green from Gravity. (OK, factory correct if it was an Aston Martin.) I cleared it with Tamiya TS13, which also didn't go that well but

a lot of sanding and polishing brought it round. I managed to polish through the paint in two small areas and hope a touch up will hide that.

Still some work to do on the body and then comes the interior.


Edited by peekay

I like that one. I have a couple of those to deal with myself. One is a Turquoise Promo, which is my favorite color on that car, and one is painted silver, which I am going to strip and re-do. I have not made the decision, and I have several projects ahead of them. 

Yours is a beauty!


Thanks guys!

Doobie, I'm not sure about interior colors yet, maybe green, but possibly white with green dash and accents - plus there was a LOT of wood inside these cars.

Steve, not my favourite Caddys either but I've come to appreciate 70s cars more in recent years and I also have a 76 Caddy in my spray booth. Also I've found that building a model of a particular car always makes me appreciate its design even more - and that's happening with these Caddys right now.

Others I'm painting at the moment are the 53 Studebaker, 55 Nomad, 64 Comet, Jaguar XK120 and an AMT 64 Pontiac Lemans convertible.


Nothing actually happened overnight except that I took another photo of the mock-up sitting on my bench in the sunlight. This is more like how I'm actually seeing it.

Also the decals from Global toy in China. Nice stuff but I don't understand all the sizes - only the two or three smallest ones are useable for models. 



That Caddy looks fantastic in that color. Just an fyi the crest decals your showing are wrong for 78. I think thats the style that they came out with in 99. For 78 it had hunting ducks in the yellow area's and a crown on top. Not trying to be a rivit counter just passing some info on.


Got the interior mostly done. The green is air-brushed Zero acrylic and the carpet is Humbrol flat enamel, both colors mixed to compliment the body. The wood is also Humbrol flat brown with a coat of Future to give it a dull sheen. 

Still a way to go with this; grille/bumbers require some tricky detailing, the old glass has to be restored and I have to correct all the little mistakes I've made so far - but it's getting there.

Posted (edited)

The interior work is very nice. I only wish that JoHan had scribed some more detail into that interior, as the backs of the seats look like a blob. I have a '71 Eldorado that I am restoring,


and I made the decision to cut the seats apart to add needed detail. Unfortunately, that move put the model back in the box for the foreseeable future. 

That said, your interior is gorgeous,  and my model is still in the box!

Edited by Ron Hamilton
not finished

Thanks everyone for your input and encouragement.

Jeff, I know the badges are not correct but I think they'll look great on the model - although getting them to lay nicely on the coarse vinyl roof will be a problem. A pity Global Toy doesn't make decals for classic American kits.

Steve, the interiors you've shown have been my inspiration to put a bit more effort into my own.

Ron, I hope you get back to that Eldorado. I had the same stalling problem with a 60 Desoto - I decided to deepen the shallow interior and the model sat in its box for a decade! I have the much more common 76 Eldorado on my bench at the moment - see below.


Some other models I'm working on, all fresh from the paint booth.

The Eldorado was done with Gravity Colours Alcoa Aluminum with TS13 clear, not yet polished out. The Alcoa has very fine metallic particles and I'm using to mix other metallic colours.

The Nomad was done with Zero paints - their Extra Fine Metallic Base mixed with their candy blue and green till I liked it, and a mint green for the roof. TS 13 clear, yet to be polished. 

And the Revell XK120, done with Tamiya TS14 gloss black, also yet to be polished. Wish me luck!

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