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'68 Firebird


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Started just three weeks ago, and here it is 'Under Glass' - Not bragging at all, in the 'workbench' section I did call this a "Clear the bench" build. Part of the reason for the speed of this project is my enthusiasm for the project - I really like Firebirds, the other reason is the quality of the kit, in my opinion Revell produced such a superb quality product it's actually quite difficult for an average modeller like me to scr*w-it-up. 

Learning points, well I asked here and on another couple of sites about varnishing over an already very smooth & glossy finish, I took the advice from most folks and applied those extra clear coats and it worked-out... so learning point #1, be brave and with the correct tools and a little luck the finish you want, you can achieve !!   Learning point #2, I need to re-learn my BMF 'skills' next time around :wacko:.

Thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment, and as ever all comments, criticism and questions welcome.



finished 1.jpg

finished 8.jpg

finished 2.jpg

finished 3.jpg

finished 4.jpg

finished 5.jpg

finished 6.jpg

finished 7.jpg

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Thanks all very much appreciated, glad I took the advice from folks here about the 'clear'. So pleased with the paint finish on this one. Next will be a re-do of Jeremy Mayfields' '98 Taurus then another 'Bird - The Revell '98 Ram-Air in Sunset Orange, and then the Monogram 70 Boss 302.

Stay tuned.


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Learning points, well I asked here and on another couple of sites about varnishing over an already very smooth & glossy finish, I took the advice from most folks and applied those extra clear coats and it worked-out... so learning point #1, be brave and with the correct tools and a little luck the finish you want, you can achieve !!   Learning point #2, I need to re-learn my BMF 'skills' next time around.

Thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment, and as ever all comments, criticism and questions welcome.

Looks great to me - I don't see anything wrong with the foiling! 

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  • 3 months later...

Very nice looking build Ian. I recently tried my hand at my first BMF job myself. By the time I was done my butt felt thoroughly kicked. Did you go for the ultra- Brite chrome? I did myself, and feel like it was a bad choice. I feel like the regular chrome would probably turn out better.

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