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so.....ya......been awhile

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well, it's been quite a year. i haven't worked on a rig kit since around march/april when i finished off the chevy titan/car hauler project. had a busy summer doing outdoor stuff,dealing with family issues, and here and there got building some 1/25 cars, and started a 1/12 vette tribute build, and just haven't been on-line as much as usual. but now with winter coming on, family matters situated, and the big rig build off approaching, it's gonna be rig building time, and due to impending crappy weather, more time here [lol]. still have a few projects to wrap up, then it's rig time, along with 2 projects for NNL East. i really used to hate winter, but now kind of look forward to it due to the uninterrupted build time [other than the occasional snow removal, and the day job, haha],


so here is to build time, back to big rigs, and a little more time talking with all you great folks here, you're all a great inspiration.


happy buildingB)

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I know what you mean Tom. With the new baby here, I haven't gotten much done either. I'm hopin with the build off, I'll get something done next year. 

I'm really lookin forward to next year, some big, good, changes comin for my family. Those should include a model room. 

Can't wait to see what everyone builds for the build off.

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Good to have you back Tom. I too have experienced a disturbance in the force(I hope I said that right, Ive never seen Star Wars). My wife used to primarily work nights(plenty of build time) but now she works only days(shes home with me, zero build time). So, unfortunatley, there wont be as many posts from me ;( . Ill try to adjust to this new arrangement, and find some time to build. 

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I'm with you guys summer was busy with work, and family stuff. Now with a nice cozy heater running in Colorado hopefully I can get some building done, before the job moves me again. 

Side note Clayton how is the family, your little tire kicker should be a lot fun now.

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Ya know Tom, I just recently started a project that has been killing whenever I have to knock off for the day. Now it makes sense, I thought I was having that artist-flake thing going (last rig I built was around May 2k15), but Its the winter months, that ol' building instinct comes back. Oh sure, I've had several projects in mind that I've wanted to do, but during the summer its been one thing or another that keeps you busy (not a bad thing), and of course, who can lay down a good layer of paint when the humidity is entering into the "you gotta be kidding me" zone. I am quite lucky, I have a warm place to paint during the dead of winter (nice and dry). My Boss lets me paint in the shop during our down time, long as your truck is in position within 3-minutes (any ARFF guys, you know what I'm talking about). So I'll close by posing this quest, since we have a nice representation from the tri-corners of the Country (so far), Winter....tame or gonna really kick out butts?

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