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1968'Ford Galaxie


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Hello everyone,progress has been a little slow with work,weather and the dreaded yardwork,but i'm plugging away,the seats and console are molded as one piece which is unlikely in the first place,so I used my razor saw to separate them:



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Here are a few pictures of the seats and console painted,i used,Tamiya bright red,i used BMF to duplicate the chrome on the shifter,i think it took about 5 tries to get it to look half decent,i then just put a couple coats of semi gloss over the BMF to hold it in place.




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The interior is pretty much done as well,i painted it flat red with a couple coats of semi-gloss clear,the Bmf was hard to apply,even though I scribed all the lines before hand the paint seem to cover them over,took a lot of patience to cut the foil towards the rear of the tub, my exacto knife would hit the opposite side of the tub.



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The body is in primer,i decided to add a vinyl roof,i think I've got the molding correct based on pictures I found on the internet but it still needs a little work, I plan to paint the roof first then color coats on the body.thanks for looking in:)



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Wow that interior work is nice.  Did you dull coat or what because not shinny I like the look, very nice

Thanks for the comment I did use semi gloss on the seats and console,they looked way to shiny and bright in person.The camera doesn't really show it to well,i need to work on taking pics a little better.

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Shaping up nicely!

This is the first '68 AMT Galaxie I've ever seen that didn't have a severely warped body.

Thanks,i find the convertibles of these vintage kits are the worst,busted and missing windshields seems most common,god knows I have enough of them in my stash!:lol:

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Looking nice Curt!

Those foil strips on the interior are nasty to cut after applying them.

I cut thin strips of foil & then apply them.

They can be a little difficult to deal with, but it saves me the frustration of trying to cut them inside the tub.




 photo DSCN4971_zpsbrli2uvr.jpg

Thanks for the advice,btw i love the work you did on that interior.

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Really liking this build! Here's a few nice reference pics:





Scroll down on that last one to see the '68 model year.

If I may suggest, I'd knock down the simulated seams on your vinyl roof to half or less their current thickness (height). You're replicating just a couple layers of vinyl, which at 1/25 would be a VERY subtle effect. I only offer this because exagerrated vinyl detail is a pet peeve of mine and can ruin an otherwise beautiful model. Yours is coming along SO nicely, it deserves to look its best! Keep sweatin' the details, and happy building!

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  • 1 year later...

By all means please get back to rebuilding this car. I've been watching and waiting for you to get back to this project.  I have tried to rebuild a couple of my old builds but have gotten so frustrated that I won't do it again. Pulled out my hair and don't have any left to pull out.

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